Chapter 274

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       The sky went dark about half an hour after the sun had set. That was when Eris approached Cedric.

       "Okay, let's send one final message." Eris said. Cedric nodded, and with a flash of emerald light, he transformed into a massive eagle. Eris leapt up onto his back, and the two flew into Aaronsworth.

       Cedric flew high above the town, some of the orange lights still lit far below. Then, he descended downwards towards the square.

       Eris took a deep breath, and carved the violet glyph into the air before them.

       A shining light appeared above the square, but it shined brighter this time.

       "Everyone who still remains, be warned. Danger is near, danger is coming. Run. Hide. Know that it is no longer safe here. Leave as early as possible, and go far. Good luck." The smooth, youthful voice said, its voice as loud as Eris could possibly make it.

       Then, Cedric began flying back upwards, and back out of Aaronsworth.

       Then, Eris saw the moonlight off the ships in the port, and the warm glow of the town.

       "Wait." Eris said. Cedric stopped, hovering in midair.

       "There's... something I want to tell you, and something I want to do in private. Can you fly us down to the docks?" Eris asked. Cedric turned around and went into a dive, surging forwards towards the docks. Then, he spread his wings out as they came upon them, and with an emerald flash, he transformed back.

       The cool night air was touched with the smell of salt and sea. The moonlight cast brilliant, pale reflections in the water.

       "It's a beautiful night, and it's easiest to enjoy from here." Eris said.

       "Yeah, it is beautiful tonight." Cedric agreed. For a mere moment, the only sounds were the slight lapping of the waves against the docks and the shoor, the wind blowing across the water, and the distant voices coming from the town behind them.

       "Cedric, this is all so crazy, this plan is crazy. Three of us are charging into that again. I want to say that I love you, Cedric." Eris said.

       "I love you too, Eris. I'm so thankful that I'll be able to treasure our memories together for the rest of my life." Cedric said.

       "Do you... want to kiss, here and now?" Eris asked.

       "Ah, sure, this scenery is romantic." Cedric noticed. Eris leaned in and stood on their toes to get to Cedric's height. Then, their lips touched, Eris let themself fall into Cedric's arms. They sighed as their lips parted from Cedric's. Their eyes could see his bright smile, even in the dark of evening.

       "It seems the town's still awake, want to get a drink or something?" Cedric asked.

       "Yes, I would love that." Eris answered.

       The two walked away from the docks, which were far more clear and empty of ships than usual. They went to a tavern, and had a drink. Then, they walked around the town, taking in the streets and buildings. They made sure to imprint it in their memories, so that they could remember it when it was all gone, probably the next day.

       Then, in an alleyway, they embraced one another. Eris shed a tear for the town around them that would soon be gone. Then, Cedric transformed back into his massive, eagle form, and the two flew back to the clearing on the side of the road.

       Sleeping there brought back all manner of unpleasant memories for Eris. Sleeping in alleyways in Oakholme, and sleeping on the side of roads outside of hamlets. At least this time, they had Cedric right next to them to keep them company. 

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