Chapter 260

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       Ella cursed as the dragon flew upwards, meaning that she couldn't fight it. But then, she noticed the mist that was flowing from the dragon's mouth.

       "Everybody get back! This thing's about to use its breath on us!" Ella shouted, backing away from the others.

       Brie followed Ella's lead by stepping back, and she once again carved a pulsing red glyph into the air. She took a deep breath, shaking the exhaustion of constantly channeling arcane power.

       The dragon shook mid flight as the explosion briefly knocked it off balance, but it continued to fly upwards.

       Varhine ran over to Aiyoshar, placing her hands on his back. Emerald light pulsed through him, mending more of the purple marks across his body.

       "Please survive this, if I turn into one of those freaky things, I'm leaving it to you to bring me back." Varhine said.

       "Oh uh, okay." Aiyoshar said nervously.

       The dragon's mouth flashed with violet light, and glowing mist poured from its mouth. The mist overtook Aiyoshar, Varhine, Roya, and Zerai within its area.

       Brie and Ella desperately tried to look into the glowing violet mist, but they could see absolutely nothing. When the mist faded, they could clearly see withered corpses where Roya and Varhine had lied. Aiyoshar and Zerai however, remained.

       Zerai was on his knees, still helpless against the feeling imposed over him.

       Two shadow creatures arose. One descended upon Zerai, while the other attacked Aiyoshar.

       Zerai felt the cold feeling sapping his strength, his vision gradually became darker and darker, and his blade slipped from his grasp.

       Aiyoshar felt a cold feeling, and he felt slightly weaker as the shadow creature touched him.

       "Oh, so that's what she meant." He said. Then, he ran forward and crouched next to the corpse of Varhine. He took out one of the diamonds he had gotten from the cathedral back in Point Sathus. As he desperately whispered a prayer, the diamond crumbled to glowing dust, and Varhine's form flashed with sunlight. Then, her body was whole once more.

       "Thanks." She managed to say.

       Ella charged towards the remaining shadowy creature that loomed over Zerai. Her blade cut through the creature, killing it instantly. Then, she crouched down next to Zerai.

       "Come on! Snap out of it!" She shouted, glancing at Roya's corpse.

       Brie cast the same spell, firing another explosion at the dragon, which currently hovered above. The dragon roared in pain as it was impacted by it.

Varhine brought her hands together, and above the whole battlefield, a small stormcloud formed. Then, she backed away from the dragon. The cloud above crackled with lightning before a blue bolt struck the dragon.

       The dragon's head pointed to Brie, the one who had repeatedly battered it with explosions. With incredible speed, it landed right next to Brie.

       Ella glanced towards the dragon, and then at Zerai, who was still on his knees on the ground, staring blankly.

       "Oh Zerai, do something already! One of your friends is dead!" Ella screamed at Zerai, backhanding him across the face. But he still blankly stared at the ground. Ella got up and began running towards the dragon.

       Aiyoshar began running towards the corpse of Roya, but their corpse was too far away to get to at that very moment.

       Brie saw the tail of the dragon flying towards her as it whirled around. It slammed into her, sending her tiny body rolling across the ground.

       Then, from behind the dragon, Ella came hurtling, her legs carrying her as fast as possible.

       "Back off!" She shouted at the dragon. Ella used the momentum of her charge to carve upwards through the dragon's hind leg, sending black blood flying in an arc above her.

       "Okay Ella, sorry if this hurts!" Brie shouted. Brie carved an intricate, graceful, and pale blue glyph. Then, she unleashed its power in a torrent of ice crystals that formed across the dragon. The dragon's chest, mouth, and part of its wings was coated in ice crystals. Ella groaned as she was also caught in it, but she was able to fight most of its effect off.

       The dragon's tail slammed into Brie once again, and she cried out in pain as she felt several bones snap.

       Varhine took a deep breath, focusing on the storm cloud above her. The cloud crackled loudly, and blue flashes could be seen from within it. Then, a bolt of lightning struck the dragon once again. The dragon's skeleton was briefly visible as the lightning struck it, and then its whole form fell limp to the ground, mere wisps of violet mist seeping from its mouth.

       Zerai was finally able to shake the feeling from him, and then the realization hit him.

       "Oh no." He said.

       Aiyoshar crouched down next to Roya, and the diamond in his hand crumbled as Roya's corpse flashed with sunlight, and they were once again alive.

       "What is it Zerai?" Aiyoshar asked.

       "The spell that kept them flying, I-, somewhere, I lost focus on it." Zerai answered shakily.

       "What does that mean?" Aiyoshar asked.

       "They can't fly." 

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