Chapter 264

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       Cedric decided to meditate. Aiyoshar, Brie, Roya, and Varhine decided to start getting their things ready.

       "So, Varhine, you seem to know a few things about these dragons, where should we go?" Brie asked.

       "Well, there's two types of metallic dragon that are particularly powerful, and that I know a bit about." Varhine answered.

       "Go on." Aiyoshar urged.

       "There are golden dragons, who like to dwell near lakes and other bodies of water where they can hide their presence. There are also silver dragons, who make their lairs upon high mountains. Both of which we can find near the Northern Woods, which I know how to navigate." Varhine explained.

       "Which one do you think will be easier to find?" Roya asked.

       "I'm not sure, no one's found any such dragons for centuries, if they're alive, all are hidden very well." Varhine said.

       "Personally, I would rather navigate through forest than through mountains." Aiyoshar said.

       "So, we're searching for a gold dragon, then?" Varhine asked.

       "It would seem so." Brie said. Varhine nodded.

       "Very well." Varhine said.

       When Cedric opened his eyes from meditation, he glanced to the four of them.

       "Where do you need to go?" Cedric asked.

       "We need to go deep into the Northern Woods, near the mountains where snow melt would run off." Varhine said.

       "It'll be very cold." Cedric warned.

       "I'm fine with that, we need to find this dragon." Varhine said.

       "Alright, let's find an orchard where I can use a tree to get you there. I'll transport you deep within, but I have no guarantee it will be near a dragon." Cedric explained.

       The five navigated their way out of the corn field, and within half an hour, they were able to find an orchard with low lying trees. Cedric placed his hands upon the tree, and an emerald doorway formed. As Varhine opened the doorway and stepped through, a blast of cold air emerged from the doorway. Once all four had stepped through, the doorway closed, and Cedric navigated his way back through the corn field.

       When he got back, he immediately went to find Eris. Then, he magically created everyone breakfast.

       "Alright, me and Eris will go into the city, and they will use their illusions to warn people of the incoming threat." Cedric explained.

       "How will you do this without causing a panic?" Zerai asked.

       "We won't give them the full scope, maybe just warn them that a threat is coming, and it would be best for them to leave. We don't have to mention anything about a dragon army." Eris explained.

       "Okay, I trust your judgement. Is there anything you want us to do while you're away?" Zerai asked. Eris glanced to Cedric, and he shrugged.

       "I suppose not. Let's go." Cedric said, and the two began their trek back towards Aaronsworth.

       Ella practiced with her massive, magical blade that Cedric and Eris had stolen for her. Not far off, Ara' Sei and Zerai sat together in conversation.

       Cedric and Eris snuck through the fields. Cedric had cast a spell to make it easier for the both of them. Then, they snuck up to the base of the wall.

       "How are we going to get over in broad daylight?" Cedric asked in a whisper.

       "Okay, so, here's the plan."

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