Chapter 266

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       Cedric and Eris had crept just beneath the wall, pressed up against it so the guards couldn't see them.

       "Now what?" Eris asked.

       "I'm going to give you a spell that'll let you climb, but you're going to have to sneak across." Cedric whispered as an answer.

       "If I turned myself invisible, I could probably pull it off." Eris said. Cedric placed his hands on their shoulders, and faint emerald light ran down their arms and legs. Then, with an emerald flash, Cedric transformed into a squirrel and leapt into Eris' hood.

       With a carefully practiced incantation and a graceful movement of their fingers, Eris had turned invisible. As they placed their on the wall, ivy grew out from between the stone bricks and grew into a perfect handhold. Then, they climbed up the wall, the only evidence of their passage being tiny clusters of ivy.

       Then, Eris vaulted up over the edge of the wall and landed on the stone, making hardly a sound. There were guards stationed throughout the wall, but they didn't notice Eris walking across. Tall guard towers dotted the wall to the town.

       To Eris' glee, the wall was just barely lower than a nearby two story building. The backed up slowly. They judged the distance, glanced at the guards around them, and with a few rapid footsteps, they ran and leapt onto the roof. A guard glanced over at the sound of a footfall, but quickly paid it no mind.

       Eris landed lightly on the building, and could clearly see a lot of the city. In their invisible form, they easily snuck across the roof.

       They ran across the roofs, leaping from roof to roof before the eventually found an alleyway to navigate down into. Then, the spell dropped, and Eris was no longer invisible.

       Cedric checked to see that no one was looking into the alleyway before transforming back into his normal form. With a quick twirling of their fingers, Eris disguised themself as a petite human woman with brown hair and pale skin.

       "Alright, we should probably go somewhere with a lot of people where we can slip out of sight." Eris said.

       "Alright." Cedric said. Eris navigated the two through the city. Cedric felt a bit strange being out in his normal form, but no one stared at him, so he figured he was fine.

       Then, in the distance, Eris could see a large square, bustling with markets and people. They lead Cedric into an alleyway where they slipped away with little issue.

       "Okay Cedric, wait here." Eris said.

       "Wait, if you're gonna sneak off to cast the spell, I'm going to give you some help." Cedric said, placing his hand on Eris' shoulder. Emerald light rushed through their body, and they smiled.

       "Oh, thanks for that." Eris said, before slipping away into the alley and slowly making their way towards the square. They went as close as they could to the square without being seen by the many people passing through. Thankfully, Cedric's spell made it effortless to stay hidden.

       Then, Eris carved a purple glyph into the air, and smirked to themself.

       Above the square, a centralized point of light began to shine. Everyone looked up towards it, a wave of murmuring spread over the square, and then, everyone beheld it in silence.

       Eris focused on the illusion, and it grew brighter.

       "To all who see or hear this message, do not stay here. Go to Duskholme, to Fort Ao, to Nakash Doer, or somewhere else. Take those you care for, and leave this place." The voice was a smoother, more youthful version of Ara' Sei's. It had a strange, supernatural after echo to it. And it was easily louder than the constant murmuring beneath it. Then, after a few moments, Eris let the illusion fade before slipping away.

       Eris glanced behind them, and to their delight, there were hundreds of people in the square. Good, the news of the message would spread fast.

       They were able to find Cedric, who was already looking in their direction.

       "Goodness, I could hear that message from here, do you think it'll work?" Cedric asked.

       "There were hundreds of people where I created the message." Eris said. Cedric breathed a sigh of relief.

       "Okay good, it'll probably spread fast, should we go back?" Cedric asked.

       "Hmmm, we have some time to kill, let's enjoy this town before it gets leveled by a bunch of dragons." Eris said. Cedric smiled.

       "Yeah, I think I prefer that."

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