Chapter 307

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       The night passed, and the group awoke early the next morning.

       "I should get back to the people of Oarshear, I'll be needed there." Roya said. Cedric was able to transport them all the way back to Oarshear.

       "Good luck with whatever you all get off to next." Roya said with a smile as they left through the emerald doorway created in the tree.

       Ella was going through her strict exercise routine, during the day, Brie approached her.

      "Hey Ella." Brie said.

       "Oh, hi Brie, do you need anything?" Ella asked.

       "Yeah, so, you know that ink we got from the armory?" Brie asked.

       "Is it almost out?" Ella asked. Brie nodded.

       "Hmmm, I think I see where this is going." Ella said.

       "I dunno, it's going to take ages upon ages and so much money to fill these spellbooks. But, I'm sure we could do it together. And, you would get a lot of money for yourself too." Brie explained.

       "Hmmm, I've been fighting for money my whole life, so it won't be much of a change." Ella said.

       "So, you want to stay with the rest of the group?" Brie asked.

       "I'm starting to get the idea they have their own things they need to do. No, I think I'll go with you. I'm much better at fighting than I was even a year ago. Sure, we'll just have to tell the rest of the group at some point. You know, I don't want to just disappear in the middle of the night or something stupid like that." Ella explained. Brie shook her head and laughed.

       "No, no, of course not, we'll say goodbye. Although... that will be difficult." Brie said, looking back towards the rest of the group.

       Closer to the water, Cedric and Eris sat in meditation, although Eris clearly wasn't very good at it, constantly fidgeting and moving around.

       "So, Cedric, whaddya wanna do now?" Eris asked.

       "I'm not sure. I've faced the thing that drove me from the Northern Woods, but if I'll be honest, I don't want to go back." Cedric said.

       "Like, ever?" Eris asked.

       "Oh no, I just want to see everything else first. I've enjoyed seeing this world and bits of others with you. I kind of just want to keep doing that if it makes sense." Cedric said.

       "You don't have any other obligations, as a nature magic person or whatever?" Eris asked. Cedric chuckled.

       "No, this is my obligation. You know Eris, I've grown to a level of power where I'm going to be in this world for a long, long time. If I'm not mistaken, we're talking millennia before I'm gone. You know about the fact I relive memories in my sleep deal, right?" Cedric asked. Eris nodded.

       "Well, I want something good to look back on. It might be a very boring couple of millennia. So, I want to see the world while I'm still relatively young." Cedric said.

       "Alright, sounds good to me. I don't have a super magical long life or reliving memories in my sleep, but I do want to see the world. Seeing it with you is even better." Eris said with a smile.

"My thoughts exactly." Cedric said. Then, the two returned back to meditation, and it was far easier for Eris to lose themself in the sound of the waves and the subtle ocean breeze. 

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