Chapter 309 (The End)

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       Early in the morning, Varhine asked to be privately transported back to the Northern Woods.

       "You've grown stronger than I ever thought a druid could, I'm proud." Varhine said, stepping through an emerald doorway back to the Northern woods.

       It was after that when breakfast commenced.

       It was strange how everyone knew what was about to happen. They had all talked privately, but there was a shared sense of dread and excitement combining in the strangest duet.

       "So, what do you all want to do now?" Zerai asked.

       "Well, me and Ella were thinking about setting off and doing some odd jobs. As usual, I need supplies for transcribing, and for the first time ever I have so many things to transcribe and more power than I ever dreamed of having." Brie explained.

       "Yeah, I was planning on going with her. We're gonna get filthy rich." Ella said with a smirk.

       Brie sighed.

       "Thank you all for helping me get to this point, I never thought that a suicide mission into the Boiling Ocean would be the thing to truly get my life started." Brie said, wiping tears from her eyes.

       "So, do you need to be somewhere?" Cedric asked.

       "Where can you take us exactly?" Brie asked.

       "Anywhere on mainland Theirin basically." Cedric said.

       "I'm thinking near Point Sathus." Brie said. Ella nodded.

       "Oh, yeah, umm, what she said, she's the thinker." Ella said with a smile. Cedric placed his hand on one of the nearby trees, and an emerald doorway appeared.

       "It's been an honor, everyone, love you!" Brie shouted as she walked through.

       "Ara' Sei, take care. Zerai, thanks for the sparring matches. Eris, thanks for being my fighting partner. Cedric, thanks for taking me all around the world. I thank all of you for saving my life way too many times, but now, I think I'll be okay on my own." Ella said, a single tear leaking from her one remaining eye.

       "Goodbye Ella!" Ara' Sei shouted, tears pouring from her eyes. Ella waved, and then she stepped through the doorway.

       "Me and Cedric were planning on seeing the world together. Do you two need a way to get transported?" Eris asked. Ara' Sei shook her head.

       "I have my own means, thank you though." Ara' Sei said.

       "Well Eris, our first stop is gonna be the island of Northos. Always wanted to know what it was like over there." Cedric said, placing his hands on the tree.

       "Alright, sounds good. Bye everyone, thank you for helping me kill my idiot teacher, and thank you for helping Cedric kill his dragon." Eris said.

       Then, linking hands, the two stepped through the doorway. Then, the emerald door closed behind them, Ara' Sei and Zerai waving after them.

       Both of them wiped tears from their eyes, then they looked to one another.

       "Well Ara' Sei, now it's just us." Zerai said.

       "Yeah, you and me. Lead the way, Zerai." Ara' Sei said, her eyes locked in his gorgeous golden eyes. Her heart pounded in her chest, and tears poured from her eyes. But all she felt in that moment was joy, and hope.

       It wasn't certain if they would all find each other one day. But, everyone was happy to be leaping off into frightening uncertainty of what the future held.

       Regardless, all of them would always remember the time their threads of fate came together, the brief moment where they all had converging destinies.

The End

Converging Destinies: Part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon