Chapter 275

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       The group at Aaronsworth woke up early the next day. Cedric sat in meditation, preparing his magic for the likely battle ahead.

       Ella practiced with her massive blade. Ara' Sei merely stared out at the town itself. Soon, Cedric was done with his meditation, and he gave the group breakfast.

       "So, what now?" Ella asked.

       "We wait." Ara' Sei said.

       "I'll keep my eyes out for them." Cedric said. Then, he walked out to the middle of the path and looked out towards the horizon.

       The sun rose more and more, and morning transitioned into day. It was a bright, warm day, and Ara' Sei could see carts and ships leaving the city.

       "As much as our plan has been working, I still can't shake the feeling that it's not enough." Ara' Sei said as she noticed Zerai standing next to her.

       "You're right, it's not enough. But it's all we can really do." Zerai said.

       "I hope the others are doing okay right now." Ara' Sei said, oblivious to the blizzard raging almost halfway across the known world.

       A half hour passed. Ara' Sei squinted her eyes against the ocean, its swells and waves sending bright reflections of sunlight hurtling across her vision.

       "Get ready! I see shapes!" Cedric said.

       "Okay, how far?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Approaching, but still miles away." Cedric said. Ara' Sei looked out into the horizon. She too could see the horde of small, dark shapes.

       "I'd estimate about five to six miles." Eris said, looking out into the distance.

       "In that case, I have a bit of magic I need to give to you." Cedric said, stepping up to Eris, and placing his hands on their shoulders.

       "What should we do?" Zerai asked.

       "For the moment, wait." Ara' Sei answered. Zerai nodded and took a deep breath.

       Soon, Cedric took his hands off of Eris. Then, he looked to Ara' Sei.

       "Alright, I've cast the spell on them." Cedric said. The shapes in the distance were noticeably closer.

       "Just checking, your flight spell lasts about ten minutes, right?" Ara' Sei asked. Zerai nodded.

       "Okay, wait a bit longer before you cast it, Cedric, unless there's something else you need to do, we should get ready." Ara' Sei said. Cedric shot Eris a smile, and they smiled back.

       With an emerald flash, Cedric transformed into a massive eagle, and Ara' Sei climbed onto his back. Another minute passed where the shapes in the distance became progressively larger.

       "Okay, Zerai, do it now. After that, you and Ella need to go straight to the town." Ara' Sei declared. With a muttered incantation, golden spectral wings sprouted from the backs of Ella, Eris, and Zerai. Unlike Ara' Sei's, they were almost transparent, and they glittered a golden color.

       "Good luck." Ara' Sei whispered as she watched Zerai fly off towards Aaronsworth. Then, pale light washed over her.

       Ara' Sei sat upon the back of Cedric's eagle form. And Eris stood beside them, then, Ara' Sei took a deep breath, and then she looked upwards towards the threat she faced.

       "Let's fly!" 

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