Chapter 236

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       Brie and Cedric meditated and studied as early as they could, preparing for their infiltration to rescue their friends. Then, Cedric and Eris rushed to Loaded Table Inn, Brie was already outside in a disguised form.

       "When should we execute the plan today?" Cedric asked.

       "Does now work?" Brie asked. Cedric nodded.

       Brie began navigating the group through the slowly waking city. The smells of street food just began wafting their way into the air, mingling with the ever present salty sea spray.

       Within half an hour, everyone in the group was fully awakened from the walking they had been doing. Soon, they came upon the edge of the campus.

       "Okay, I'll start now by turning everyone one of us invisible." Brie said.

       "Wait, I have a spell that I should use before that. It'll make it nearly impossible for someone to catch us." Cedric explained.

       "Okay, then you can start with that, my invisibility ends if you use magic or hit someone, so be careful about it." Brie said. Cedric clasped his hands together and muttered under his breath. All three of them briefly glowed with emerald light, and Cedric gave Brie a nod.

       Brie followed by carving a deep, violet glyph into the air, causing everyone in the group to vanish from view.

       The group snuck past the guards at the front gate effortlessly. There was no way to see them, and Cedric's magic ensured that their footsteps made no sound.

       Once they had snuck in past the guards, two of them could hear Brie whispering.

       "The best idea would be to sneak around the building, and then enter through there. Much of the campas uses archways, because they don't expect people as powerful as us to sneak in." Brie explained in a whispered tone.

       "Follow me." She whispered, as she began to walk away.

       With a bit of direction, Brie was able to direct the small group to the back of the campus. The campus was filled with sprawling gardens, massive libraries, bare courtyards, and strange architecture that looked physically impossible. It gave Cedric and Eris a deep sense of anxiousness that the whole building would collapse onto them.

       With more direction, Brie helped the group sneak through the school. A few students walked through the halls, but they were far too busy with their own business to notice a few silent, invisible people roaming the halls.

       Brie continued subtly directing the group, and she led them to where she knew the entrance to the dungeon was. It was a staircase that led downwards from the main floor.

       "Ok, now we'll start encountering dungeon guards, Eris, if they're alone, take them out." Brie explained in a whisper. The group made their way downwards. Soon, they came to a door with a robed figure in front of it.

       Eris silently took out their dagger and stepped out of view. Then, from out of view, they extended their hand outwards and whispered beneath their breath. Then, the man groaned lightly as his whole body froze in place.

       Eris leapt forwards, and plunged their dagger into the man's chest. The man's eyes rolled back, and Eris caught his body as it fell to the floor. Then, they pushed the man's body as far out of view as they could. They looked to the door that lay before them.

       "Okay, I'm gonna drop the invisibility." Brie whispered. She carved a glyph into the air, and breathed a sigh of relief.

       "The door isn't magical, we can get through it by conventional means. Eris pushed against it lightly.

       "But it is locked." They added. Cedric stepped over towards Eris.

       "Here." He said, placing his hand on Eris' shoulder, a brief, emerald glow surged through Eris.

       Eris nodded before taking out their lockpick. After about twenty seconds of jimmying the lock, a painfully loud click was heard. Eris lightly pushed the door, and it swung open with a soft creak.

       "I'll go ahead." Eris whispered. Then, they carved the same, violet glyph that Brie had used earlier, and vanished. They crept forwards, and there was another door down another flight of stone steps. A dwarven man was slowly making his way up the steps toward the noise he had undoubtedly heard.

       Eris once again held out their hand, and the man was frozen in place, his eyes darting around frantically. Eris advanced with their dagger once again. Upon plunging it into the man, the man groaned, but hung on with an inch of his life.

       Then, just as the man broke free of the spell, a final slash to the throat killed him. Eris frantically caught the body before it rolled down the stairs.

       Then, Cedric's ears perked up slightly. He heard the distant sound of shouts and screams.

       "Brie, something's wrong." 

Converging Destinies: Part 2Where stories live. Discover now