Chapter 204

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       The dragon's mouth flashed with purple light, and Ara' Sei's body was covered by yet more black icy crystals. The crystals didn't just seem cold, they almost seemed to eat away at Ara' Sei as well.

       However, she pushed through it. She raised her hand once again, and began to channel another beam.

       "I don't have any more after this, but by this point it's probably worn down a bit!" Ara' Sei shouted. Then, she fired the last beam, which was more powerful than the ones before it. It's roar seemed to shake the very air that everyone flew upon.

       This one hit the dragon directly in the chest, and it almost sent the massive creature reeling back.

       Ara' Sei's friends continued to dive at the dragon, striking it with their beaks and talons. The marks left behind leaked black, shiny blood. With the dragon reeling back, it was easier to strike it in more vulnerable places.

       However, in eagle form, Eris plunged their beak into the dragon's neck, and a stream a black blood shot from the wound.

       The dragon's wing beats slowed, and it fell into the ocean of acid below. The ocean was just as opaque as tar, and the group could already see the acid beginning to eat away at the dragon's scales.

       "I'm sorry to burden one of you, but I'll have to ride one of your backs." Ara' Sei said. As an eagle, Zerai flew forward, and Ara' Sei flew onto his back.

       The group continued flying in the direction the dragon had come from. After two more hours of painful flight, a shape in the distance was visible. But it was massive, monolithic, and gray. It floated above the ebony ocean below.

       "That must be it." Ara' Sei said. Within the half hour, the group had landed on the floating island of rock. No dragons were in sight, which was strange. What if this was just a rest stop for them on the way to the mainland? What if the massive desert wasn't even the mainland, but just one of many islands left in this strange plane.

       Everyone transformed back to their normal forms. As Cedric had predicted, not much of the exhaustion carried over.

       "What is this place?" Cedric asked.

       "Let's find that out, shall we?" Eris replied.

       Ara' Sei placed her hands on her chest, and her body glowed with pale light as some of her wounds mended. Then, she used her healing two more times until she was satisfied.

       "Okay, we should probably be careful here." Brie said.

       "Just in case there are dragon's, I'll give you all this." Ara' Sei said. She went around to each member of the group, and their body briefly glowed with pale light.

       "What does this do?" Eris asked.

       "It buys you some time if something brings you to the brink of death." Ara' Sei answered.

       "I think we're ready to explore this place." Cedric said.

       The group moved as quietly as they could across the rocks. Occasionally, Zerai would have to help Brie due to her smaller size.

       However, soon the group stumbled across it.

       Upon this flying island was a massive manor of gray stone. It wasn't intricately detailed, but it was massive, and it was a miracle the group hadn't noticed it before.

       "Hello friends. I think it's time we finally met." A feminine voice called out. From within the dark, shadowy interior of the manor, a woman emerged. Her skin was incredibly pale. Her hair was jet black, but faded to a pale white just near the tips. She was elegant and tall, standing over six feet in height. She wore a gorgeous, black dress which flowed as she stepped forward. Her eyes were pupil less, and were entirely black in color.

       But strangest of all, her facial features bore a strange resemblance to those of Ara' Sei. 

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