Chapter 295

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       Zerai had taken note of Brie and Eris' strategy from behind, and he flew towards the dragons wings. It wasn't too difficult, because the dragon was rather distracted being cut apart by Ella.

       Zerai's blade flashed with light as it cut into the base of the dragon's wing. Another strike once again cut into the dragon's shoulder. The dragon flapped its wing noticeably faster in order to maintain its position in battle.

       Zerai groaned as the dragon's tail slammed into him as it flailed in midair.

       Eris flew as fast as they could away from Ara' Carus, making sure to sever a dragon's wing on their way back. It sent another dragon hurtling into the ocean below, no longer a threat.

       Brie rapidly noticed Zerai's efforts, and she smiled. She could feel the warm sunlight wash over her, and she took a deep breath. She could easily see the dragons wing shifting, and where it would shift in just a moment's time.

       She carved a simple, pale blue glyph, and a ray of pale light erupted towards the injuries in the base of the dragon's wing.

       Ice crystals crawled across the injuries, and as the dragon tried to flap its wing, cracks showed in the ice, and the entire wing broke off.

       The remaining wing beat furiously, trying desperately to keep the dragon aloft, but it plummeted hundreds of feet towards the sea below.

       Ara' Carus attempted to fly after Eris, but their efforts of escaping appeared to be working.

Even as Brie had sent one dragon plummeting to the ocean, another quickly took its place.

       The black dragon roared, but its roar was nothing compared to the overall cacophony of the battle. It desperately tried to hurt Auracordius, but its efforts were to little avail.

      The other dragons began to follow Eris as they flew away, but Eris still kept ahead with the help of Zerai's flight.

       Aiyoshar turned his attention to Eris, and immediately began flying towards them. As they muttered a word beneath their breath, warm sunlight flooded across Eris' body, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

       Roya extended their hand forward at Auracordius' new assailant, and a beacon of sunlight flew from their hand. Unfortunately, it sailed away and faded as it flew away from the battle.

       Varhine continued to orbit the battle with Auracordius with Roya atop her back.

       Ara' Sei muttered a word beneath her breath and pale light flooded through Eris as well. They shot her a smile, and she returned the sentiment. But, a cold feeling began creeping up her spine as she saw Ara' Carus and most of her other dragons rapidly drawing closer. 

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