Chapter 201

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       Cedric already had breakfast prepared by the time everyone was awake. Then, he magically created water, which everyone downed as quickly as they could. Then, he cast the spell and turned everyone into flying eagles.

       That day, they flew for well over twelve hours straight, not stopping once. The group practically collapsed by the time they finished.

       But, they continued onwards, and the next day, they also pushed themselves to the limit.

       That marked only eight days left to get back to the Material Plane and to get back to Point Sathun.

       On the night of that day, Ara' Sei stared out in the direction where they were going. She heard footsteps approaching her, and she turned around to see Zerai standing there.

       "Oh, hi Zerai." She said.

       "Hey, Ara' Sei." Zerai said. He sat down next to her, and they stared out at the blank horizon together.

       "So, there's something I wanted to tell you." Zerai said. Ara' Sei turned to him.

       "What's that?" She asked.

       "Thank you, for saving me. You were so much stronger than I could ever hope to be in that battle." Zerai said.

       "No. I let us down. And now we're suffering the consequences." Ara' Sei replied.

       "What do you mean?!" Zerai asked.

       "If I were really as strong as you said I was, Ella would still be here!" Ara' Sei shouted, her eyes welling up with tears.

       "Ara' Sei, listen to me. You saved us several times there. You may have divine power granted by the gods, I do as well. But, we're just two people, Ara' Sei. One person can only do so much." Zerai explained.

       "But, Zerai, I'm expected to be perfect. By the gods, by the divine." Ara' Sei replied.

       "Do you really think the divine are perfect?" Zerai asked.

       "Well, I-" Ara' Sei started.

       "They created a world in which slavery still exists, cheaters are usually the people who get ahead, and mortals are forced to beg to them to get a chance after their miserable lives are over. You do not owe them perfection, Ara' Sei." Zerai explained.

       "But, then I have to be better." Ara' Sei said.

       "You shouldn't be better for them, they don't deserve your time and effort for putting your through this. The one person you owe all of this to is yourself, okay?" Zerai asked.

       "Okay." Ara' Sei replied.

       "Come here." Zerai said, spreading his arms wide. Ara' Sei collapsed into them, and she shut her eyes before tears could flow.

       "Thank you, Zerai. Now, I think we need some sleep." Ara' Sei said.

       Then, the two went to rest upon the dune the party had set themselves up upon.

       With that, the eight day mark came to a close. Now, only one week remained to get back to Point Sathus. The group was out within half an hour, and another gruelling day passed of constant flying while in eagle form. The seven day mark passed rather uneventfully.

       Then, the six day mark came, and the group repeated its routine. However, at the halfway mark of travel, the group could see something against the sky. In the gray sky, looming shapes towered. They looked like mountains, but ten times larger. They climbed for miles upon miles into the sky.

       Then, the group began flying over the massive, mysterious mountains. 

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