Chapter 292

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       Cedric sat upon the sand, and he meditated with his eyes closed, taking the deepest possible breaths he could. Next to him stood Eris, who was getting more and more drenched in cold sweat. They sat next to Cedric, clutching his hand softly.

       Ella was stretching her muscles with surprising flexibility. She had a wide smile on her face, and her eyes were trained upon the horizon.

       Aiyoshar and Roya were crouched upon the ground, muttering desperately in prayer.

       Brie was scanning through her spellbook, looking at the things she had recorded down. She packed her stolen spellbooks away and merely stared at the horizon.

       Ara' Sei glanced around, attempting to impersonate her teammates' methods of not falling apart at the seams just before an important battle. In the end, she decided to try and entrance herself in Zerai's golden eyes.

       Zerai was staring at the horizon with his blade in hands. His hands were white as they gripped the blade, and they trembled ever so slightly.

       Varhine scanned the horizon, she didn't show any sign of tension or fear.

       Surprisingly, Auracordius seemed relaxed. He had shifted back to dragon form, and he lay across the beach, his form shining brilliantly as it reflected the sun above.

       The sky was marked by occasional gray clouds, and wind blew from the ocean ahead. Then, Auracordius' head perked up.

       "I see them. Everyone, get ready." Auracordius said, standing to his full height on all fours.

       Cedric placed his hands on Eris' shoulders, and their body began to glow with emerald colored light. Then, his body flashed with emerald light, and Ara' Sei climbed atop him. Pale light flooded through her, and she took a deep breath. Then, she extended her hand towards Zerai, and pale light flooded through him as well.

       "Stay safe." Ara' Sei said.

       "Will do." Zerai promised with a smile.

       Varhine stepped forward towards Roya, and then she transformed into an eagle. Roya clambered aboard, and took a deep breath.

       Aiyoshar crouched on the ground in prayer, and then with a flash of sunlight, a pale horse with majestic, feathered wings appeared. Aiyoshar climbed atop its back.

       A blue glow pulsed through Eris as they approached Zerai. Ella also approached Zerai.

       With a deep breath from Zerai, golden wings appeared from the backs of all three of them.

       Brie looked to Auracordius, and Auracordius let her climb atop his back.

       Ara' Sei glanced at her allies, all of them ready for the battle.

      "Alright everyone! We don't have much time so I'll make this quick!" Ara' Sei shouted, magically channeling power into her voice.

       "We're going to face this head on. Stay away from the dragon's breath, stay away from Ara' Carus herself, in the past she's tried shooting us down from the sky. Are there any questions, because now is the only time to ask them!" Ara' Sei bellowed. A moment of silence fell over the beach.

       Ara' Sei turned to the dark shapes in the sky ahead. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

       "Very well. In that case, good luck everyone! Now, let's fly!" Ara' Sei shouted.

       In an instant, all Ara' Sei could hear was the rushing of the air past her face and the pounding of her own heart. She wanted to hide, scream, cry, and run.

       "No." She whispered.

       "No more."

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