Chapter 251

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       Everyone was trying to sleep the moment that the sun had set. Soon, they were all able to find it.

       It felt strange waking up to pitch darkness, but one by one, everyone heard the magical message from Ara' Sei to wake up, as if she were talking directly to them in person.

       Everyone quietly opened their doors and crammed themselves into the main room. However, Cedric had to go off to meditate, Aiyoshar and Roya had to pray, and Brie had to study through her spellbook.

       The rest waited in Ara' Sei and Zerai's room in silence. Then, after a bit under an hour, everyone had returned to the main room.

       "I'll make sure we can get through the city unnoticed." Cedric whispered. The two clerics of Solan in the group muttered separate prayers to themselves, and Cedric cast the spell to mask their passage. All sound seemed to grow quieter, and some of the group found themselves having to focus in order to see one another.

       "Whatever you do, stay close to me." Cedric whispered. The group exited the inn, stepping through doors as quietly as they possibly could. Then, they stepped out into the streets. There was no one else out in the streets, which prompted the group to travel quietly.

       Cedric recalled the lines and streets upon the map from hours before. He was able to guide the group through the streets of Erathir soundlessly and quickly. In about half an hour, Cedric stopped.

       "We're here." He whispered.

       The secret entrance is on the wall of the building to the right of the front entrance." Ara' Sei whispered. Even in the darkness, Cedric could still pick up the shapes and forms of things around him.

       He navigated the group to the front entrance of the building, which was a door covered in faintly glowing glyphs. Then, he navigated them to the wall where the secret entrance would be.

       "We need to dispel the illusion first." Brie whispered. Cedric nodded before pointing his hand towards the wall. As he muttered under his breath, the wall shimmered with emerald light, and the illusion over the door faded.

       It was a small, wooden door, easy to conceal using illusory magics. Eris tried the door and then reached for their lockpick.

       "It's locked." They said.

       "Here, Eris." Varhine said, placing her shoulder upon Eris. She muttered an incantation with a whisper, and Eris nodded.

       "Thank you, that's better." They said, interesting their lockpick into the lock. After a few seconds, they heard a soft click, and the door swung open with a faint creak.

       "Okay, let's go." Eris whispered. They vanished through the doorway into a cramped hallway, where the group had to go in single file.

       Ara' Sei couldn't help but smile as the group entered the hall and closed the door behind them. They were in.

       The stone hallway continued, but it was pitch black, and some people weren't able to see at all.

       "Should I create some light?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Yes." Eris replied from further down. From Ara' Sei's hands emerged a few globules of light that drifted ahead of the group, illuminating the plain, stone hallway. Soon, the group exited the hall into a stone chamber with two offshoots.

       "Which way." Ara' Sei asked.

       "I can take care of this." Roya said, muttering a prayer beneath their breath while clutching the amulet of Solan that lay around their neck.

       "Okay, I know which way it's in, follow me." They said, their amulet now faintly glowing with sunlight. Roya went down the hallway to the right, leading the group further into the arcane armory.

       "Where are we going?" Ella asked.

       "The place where we can find rings not unlike Eris'." Roya answered as they continued leading the group through.

       Ara' Sei barely hid her glee, her plan was working, and it was working well. 

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