Chapter 228

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       Brie read through the stolen book on Ara' Carus. The later parts of the book went into detail regarding how a mage called Ara' Carus commanded a small army of dragons. Then, how she had mysteriously disappeared. This confirmed what Brie had already strongly suspected.

       However, Brie's eyes widened as she read the last section of the book.

       "From research on this mages capabilities into dark magic, we can conclude one frightening fact. She appears to be a form of undead. This likely means death alone will not be enough to stop her." Brie read. Unfortunately, the book didn't seem to provide any more information on the matter.

       Brie then looked to the spellbooks she had stolen, and then Ella. Brie gulped when she realized that she didn't have the money to transcribe these things herself.

       "Umm, Ella, can you do me a huge, huge favor?" Brie asked.

       "What is it?" Ella asked.

       "There's a ton of spells here, but I need money that I don't have to transcribe them. Would you mind if I borrowed two hundred gold to give to Eris so they can buy me the materials?" Brie asked.

       "Sure, but this is all I can give, if you want more, you'll have to earn, or convince someone else to earn if for you." Ella said.

       "Okay, thank you." Brie said, gratefully accepting the gold from Ella. Then, she went over to Eris.

       "Eris, can you buy some arcane ink with this gold?" Brie asked.

       "Sure, I can do that." Eris said. Then, they placed an illusory disguise upon themself and left.

       After two hours of waiting, they came back with enough arcane ink to transcribe the spells. By that point, it was evening.

       "Thank you Eris!" Brie said.

       "You're welcome." Eris said before going off to their room.

       The next day, Ella was feeling even better than she was before. Brie was up very early in the morning, transcribing and practicing the two spells from the journal that she had found on the Boiling Ocean.

       By early afternoon, after constant practice, Brie had finally copied the two spells into her own spellbook. After which, she went downstairs to eat a late lunch.

       She felt triumphant, as she always did when she acquired new magic. But she needed more money, way more money than what she had now.

       But how was she going to do that?

       "Ella, do you know how to make quick, big bucks?" Brie asked.

       "Well, what are you looking for? Honest money, or illegal money?" Ella asked.

       "Just money." Brie said.

       "Well, you can gamble, get a job, do someone rich a big, risky favor. Fight for money, there's several things." Ella said.

       "I've vaguely heard of fighting competitions in the city. Are you willing to compete in one once you've fully recovered?" Brie asked.

       "That'll be tomorrow. I'll definitely be willing to do that, as long as we can split the prize money." Ella said.

       "Okay, sounds good to me." Brie said.

       Now, she had a solid plan for getting more money.

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