Chapter 257

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       As the three took off to fight the dragons behind him, Zerai ran to keep up with the rest of the group that was running back towards the village.

       The people in the village were beginning to wake up, and Zerai began to hear more and more shouting as he came closer to the town. Aiyoshar, Brie, Ella, and Roya were ahead of him.

       Then, Zerai was also in.

       "What should we do?!" Ella asked.

       "Just knock on doors and try to usher people out!" Brie replied.

       And so, the group frantically ran from door to door, pointing at the incoming dragons. At times they had the door slammed in their face. At times the people ran back inside to pack whatever they could. Other times they took off out the door to try and find cover somewhere.

       The guards of the town approached the group.

       "What's going on?!" They asked in a shout. Ella pointed towards the nearing shape of the dragons.

       "That's going on!" She shouted. Zerai glanced back towards the dragons, and to his surprise many of them began pursuing tiny, flying shapes in the sky.

       The others had begun their fight.

       "Okay, just get every person out of here or just anywhere they won't get hit by the dragon's breath. Do not get hit by the dragon's breath unless you're absolutely sure you can survive it!" Zerai explained.

       "But, we should help you, this is our town that we've been assigned to defend!" One of the guards shouted.

       "Don't throw your lives out like this, find a place to hide, we'll do our best to bring these things down!" Zerai said.

       "You don't command us!" A guard with more decorated armor shouted back. Zerai sighed, and shook his head. He was ready for the moment the guards were turned into creatures of shadow.

       "They're here!" Aiyoshar shouted. Zerai turned around, and two his horror, three dragons were flying directly towards the village.

       "Everyone take cover!" Zerai shouted at the villagers that were still milling about. He summoned his blade to his hand, and the guards readied their spears.

       One of the dragons flew into the wide, open street that the guards and the rest of the group stood within. The dragon had a massive horn that emerged from its nose, and it was among the larger dragons in Ara' Carus' army.

       Ella took out her blade. One of the guards brandished a large crossbow.

       Beneath the dragon, the roof of the building began to crumble, and its throat began to crackle with violet energy.

       Brie was the first to run forward. She carved a gracefully, intricate glyph in the air with her hands, all the while muttering a carefully practiced incantation. Then, the glyph exploded into pale blue energy, and the roof was instantly coated with ice crystals. Ice crystals began to spread across the dragon's chest and neck.

       However, the dragon merely glared in annoyance. With a beat of its wings it generated a burst of wind that burst the roof in, and everyone could hear a few screams from within as the roof collapsed upon whatever poor inhabitants lay within the house. The dragon was now on the ground with the group.

       "Thank you! Some dragon's willing to fight!" Ella shouted as she ran forward towards the dragon's chest.

       Her blade became a whirlwind of magically empowered steel carving into the creature's chest. Black ichor and thick, steaming flesh poured from gashes in the ebony black scales. The dragon roared in agony as its guts began pouring out of gaping wounds.

       "Alright!" Ella shouted with a laugh.

       The dragon flailed about in agony, and its massive tail whipped around. The tail slammed into Ella's chest, and she winced as she heard a crack.

       "Oh, someone's not happy." She said weakly.

       Then, Aiyoshar ran forward, the symbol of Solan clutched in his hands. 

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