Chapter 209

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       "Hello queen Zei' Dahla, my name is Ara' Sei and I am accompanied by my friends. We just recently found our way to this plane, and we are in dire need of help." Ara' Sei explained. Queen Zei' Dahla stood up.

       "I recall you finding your way into this plane, your presence appeared rather suddenly. But I haven't gotten a very good look at you." Zei' Dahla said. She stood up and walked forward, circling the group closely.

       "Ara' Sei? You have divine power then. Well, what kind of aid do you all need?" Zei' Dahla asked.

       "We need to either get back to Point Sathus in the material plane, or we need to find a being that can raise someone from the dead." Ara' Sei explained.

       "You don't have ways of going back yourself?" The queen asked.

       "No, all we have for planar travel is this." Cedric said, pulling out the forked rod.

       "Interesting. I could transport you back to the material plane as soon as tomorrow." The queen said. Ara' Sei smiled.

       "But, you have to prove yourselves to me first. Tomorrow, I will give you a series of trials. If you can succeed, I can transport you in two days from now. Should you fail these trials, you will be forced to find another way, and by the look of things, you don't have much time." The queen said.

       "What will we do in the meantime?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I don't know if you all can be trusted just yet. For now, you will be held in the prison far below. My guards will escort you there." Queen Zei' Dahla said.

       "Are you sure about this, your majesty?" Zerai asked as the guards stepped towards him.

       "Tomorrow, I will be." She replied. Then, the group was escorted downwards. Beneath the massive tree was a massive tangle of roots. They were escorted through a gap in these roots beneath the tree. Then, they were shoved into a pit. As they landed, they felt vines, stems, and treelike limbs wrap around them, holding them in place.

       It was dark below, and incredibly difficult to see.

       "Well, so much for escaping the prison plane." Brie said.

       "Okay, what should we do about the fact there are trials tomorrow?" Eris asked.

       "We don't know what kind of trial it'll be though. I can't meditate like this, so I really hope it isn't a test that requires my magic." Cedric said.

       "Same here, I can't study with my limbs bound like this!" Brie said.

       "What happens if one of us needs to fulfill... bodily needs?" Eris asked.

       "I don't know, hold it in?" Cedric asked. Eris attempted to shrug, but they failed because their arms were restrained.

       The bag Ella was in had been taken by the guards, and no one knew where it was kept.

       "How long are we going to be stuck like this?" Zerai asked.

       "Well, judging by the fact it was morning... and assuming she's going to be releasing us tomorrow morning... I'd say we're in here for about twenty hours." Brie replied. Zerai loudly sighed.

       "Wait, I just realized, I didn't make magical berries this morning! Brie, are you sure this is one of the good places?" Cedric asked.

       "There's a reason many powerful people choose not to engage in interplanar travel. We just didn't have much of a choice." Brie answered.

       Agonizing time passed where the group was hungry, thirsty, and in some cases, needing to fulfill bodily needs. However, they pushed through, waiting for the moment they would be released.

       Suddenly, the vines around Eris lifted them up towards the opening of the massive, dark chamber.

       "You shall take your trials one by one, they are first."

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