Chapter 225

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       As they began their ascent up the stairs, Brie carved a glyph and muttered a short incantation. She looked around, and her brow furrowed.

       Stop. She said using the telepathy.

       Why? Eris asked. Brie looked at the floor just barely ahead of the group.

       I see a spell there, it's abjuration, which means it's probably protective in nature. Brie explained. Brie tapped Cedric on the shoulder.

       "There, if you look closely, there's something there. We should probably dispel it." Brie said. Cedric nodded and extended his hand forward. He muttered under his breath and Brie nodded.

       "It's gone, let's keep moving." Brie said.

       The group continued their trek up the steps towards the Restricted Section. There were several flights of stairs that led upwards, then, the stairs came to a platform with a door before it. However, a strange, blue wall was in front of the door. The blue wall was translucent, and seemed to ripple on its own.

       "Yeah, that's definitely magic. It's evocation of some kind, I think." Brie said.

       "Should we dispel it?" Cedric asked. Brie nodded. Cedric extended his hand outwards towards the door and muttered an incantation. Cedric's hand flashed with emerald light, but from the door there was merely a large ripple sent through it.

       "That's odd, you said it was magic, right?" Cedric asked. Brie nodded.

       "Let me try it." Zerai said. He extended his hands outwards and similarly whispered a short phrase. A golden shimmer spread across the blue wall, but once again there was nothing but a ripple sent through it.

       "That's very odd." Brie said.

       "If we can't dispel it, how are we going to get past it?" Zerai asked. Brie tapped the wall, it felt solid, and yet a ripple was still sent through it. Ara' Sei stepped forward.

       "Maybe you need magical force or something to destroy it." Ara' Sei proposed. Zerai pointed his blade at the wall and fired three glowing bolts at it. The bolts hit the wall, and three ripples were sent through it. But, there was still no getting past it.

       "So the wall is immune to damage, immune to physical contact, and can't be dispelled with magic." Eris said.

       "It seems that way." Brie replied.

       "Maybe we need really powerful magic to bring it down." Cedric said.

       "That's definitely a possibility, but I'm not sure if we want to use it in here." Eris replied.

       "We might not have a choice, but what kind of powerful magic could destroy something like this?" Brie asked.

       "Would my beam work?" Ara' Sei asked. Brie's eyes widened.

       "It could, but it's loud." Brie said.

       "I could stay behind and knock out anyone who comes up here." Eris said.

       "We shouldn't kill anyone while we're here!" Brie replied loudly.

       "I'm not going to kill anyone. I'm just going to delay them, distract them, or knock them unconscious without killing them." Eris said.

       "Okay, do it. But please do it well because this is going to be loud." Ara' Sei said. Eris nodded before running back down the stairs.

       "You three, be ready to open the door if the barrier comes down. If it doesn't, we may need to run." Ara' Sei said. Everyone nodded, and Ara' Sei was given the go. Ara' Sei let the light build within her arm to the point it just began becoming unbearable. Then, she released the beam. A loud roar echoed through the room, and likely down the stairs. But, the blue barrier disintegrated, leaving the doors behind it exposed.

       Zerai ran at the door and barged through it with ease, the Restricted Section had been opened.

       Down below, Ella and Eris heard the roar of Ara' Sei's beam loudly. Eris began to hear approaching footsteps from the stairs below, and they hid.

       There are people coming, I'll try to hold them, but you all need to hurry. Ella, you need to hide as well. Eris said, utilizing Brie's spell.

       Got it. Ella replied.

       The four who were upstairs ran into the restricted section. It was dark, and lined with books, but noticeably fewer than the rest of the library. Cedric tapped Brie on the shoulder.

       "I'll give you a spell that'll make it easier for you to look through the Restricted Section, I'll block anyone from coming in in case they get past Eris." Cedric said. Brie nodded and began the search through the shelves of the Restricted Section of the Arcane Library. 

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