Chapter 250

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       Ara' Sei and Roya left the Lawmaster's office, and Ara' Sei hid a folded piece of paper within her pockets. She put her cloak over to make sure that no one could see the paper. Ara' Sei smiled.

       "It's good to know that she helped." Ara' Sei said.

       "You know how dangerous and illegal this is, right?" Roya asked. Ara' Sei nodded.

       "I'm aware." Ara' Sei said. The two tried to hurry in the fading light, Ara' Sei certainly didn't want to know how nasty Erathir became after dark. Within mere minutes of sunset, Ara' Sei and Roya arrived back at the inn.

       With her magical messaging, Ara' Sei was able to once again assemble everyone in her and Zerai's room. She took out the piece of paper from her pocket.

       "So, we aren't getting any help from the military, we aren't getting any help from the arcane institutions here. Is there anyone else who could help us?" Ara' Sei asked. After a few moments of silence, it was clear no one would speak up.

       "In that case, we're gonna have to fight this thing on our own. But, thanks to the help of someone who's very generous, we'll be prepared." Ara' Sei explained, holding up the paper. She unfolded the paper out and placed it upon the floor. Everyone gathered around it and some crouched to look at it.

       "This is a map of Erathir, you'll notice there's one location that's been circled on this map, as well as a few labels upon this location." Ara' Sei said.

       "The arcane armory... that's this city's supply of magical weapons and other magical items." Brie said.

       "Precisely." Ara' Sei said.

       "Wait, tell me if I'm reading this wrong. You're going to break into the one the most secure places in this whole city, to steal magical items to fight the dragon army?" Eris asked.

       "Precisely." Ara' Sei said.

       "That's really dangerous, and if we're caught like last time we did something like this, we may have to get out of here as fast as possible." Brie said.

       "If I'll be honest Brie, I don't mind having to leave this place." Ara' Sei said.

       "Hah! She said it! Yes, I agree, this place is a damned nightmare, it's even worse than Nakash Doer." Ella said.

       "Okay, how are we going to sneak in?" Cedric asked.

       "There are labels that have been put on the building itself. The front entrance and the hidden entrance, which is hidden by magic. If we dispel the magic hiding it, we should be able to go in. Now, most of us are powerful with magic, and all of us are powerful with fighting. If I'm being honest here, we could probably barge our way through and just get out of here." Ara' Sei explained.

       "I like this plan!" Ella said.

       "As... simple as it is that could probably work. If we work quickly they'll probably not be able to respond in time." Brie said.

       "But, we should probably stay hidden as long as possible, the more time they have to react to us getting in, the harder it'll be for us to fight them." Eris said.

       "One slight problem, I'm very clumsy, and I'm not sure I could sneak in." Aiyoshar said.

       "Don't worry, Cedric and I have magic to help with that." Varhine said.

       "Right, we can take care of that." Cedric added.

       "So, it's nothing fancy, but are we all on board?" Ara' Sei asked. Everyone nodded.

       "Alright, in that case, should we do this tomorrow night?" Zerai asked.

       "No, we don't have time, we need to stop them as soon as possible because an army of dragons moves quickly. I'm proposing tomorrow before the sun rises. If we go to sleep within the next half an hour and wake up early, we'll have the cover of darkness, but we'll be saving ourselves more time to actually stop them." Brie explained.

       "I prefer Brie's plan. What kind of items should we be looking for?" Zerai asked.

       "We should be looking for things like my ring, as well as powerful magical weapons in general." Eris said, pointing at their ring.

       "That's right, it reduces the effectiveness of those dragons' breath. Okay, is everyone in agreement on sneaking into the arcane armory tomorrow morning as early as possible?" Ara' Sei asked. Everyone nodded.

       Ara' Sei smiled, but she felt nervous. Would this be enough to make them powerful enough to stop the army of dragons?

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