Chapter 239

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       The party charged through streets of panicking people. Some hid beneath the overhangs of buildings, frozen with fear. Others ran wildly through the streets in no particular direction.

       However, the group passed through an intersection, and to the left was a massive group of shadow like creatures. They had vaguely human forms, but were a shade of black that reflected no light. They were the same kind of creature that the group had first fought together, all the way back in Cresselbrooke.

       There were two dozen creatures in the crowd of shadow creatures.

       "Everyone, stay back. Eris, Zerai, and I will take care of them!" Ara' Sei shouted, her hands glowing with her power. Eris' body shimmered with blue light. Then, the massive hoard of shadowy creatures charged forward.

       Zerai held his blade to the sky and a pillar of golden flame crashed down from above into the center of the horde. Seven of the shadowy creatures instantly vaporized into nothing.

       Eris stepped forward a bit before taking a defensive position, holding their dagger forward.

       Ara' Sei looked to another portion of the hoard. She extended her hands outwards and took a deep breath. A pillar of pale flame struck down five of the shadowy figures.

       However, many more surged forward. Six figures alone surged towards Eris. Four surged towards Zerai, and three surged towards Ara' Sei.

       Despite the massive number of assailants, Eris cartwheeled and ducked and rolled out of the way of every single arm that reached out.

      Zerai felt three pairs of arms touch him. Each touch was cold, and instantly rendered him dizzy. His blade felt heavy in his hands and his legs felt more burdened just from having to stand.

       Ara' Sei felt two marks of incredible cold. Then, she collapsed to the ground, finding it too difficult to stand.

       Zerai glanced over towards the horde of creature's surrounding Eris.

       "Eris, look out!" Zerai shouted, raising his blade to the sky. Eris glanced up to see the column of flame slamming down from above. They leapt back, seeing all of their assailants incinerated by the column of flame.

       Eris ran towards Zerai and plunged their dagger into one of the creatures attacking him.

       Then, Ella charged forward towards Ara' Sei. With three strikes, she cut down two of Ara' Sei's assailants.

       Ara' Sei pointed at her remaining assailant. The shadowy creature screeched as it was engulfed in pale flames. Next, Ara' Sei whirled towards Zerai, and pointed at one of the creatures that was attacking him. It was incinerated in a similar fashion.

       Of the horde, only two creatures remained. One lunged towards Eris, and the other lunged towards Zerai.

       Eris leapt out of the way, but Zerai was hit once again. He felt himself growing weaker and weaker, and it was somewhat difficult not to drop his blade.

       Nevertheless, he retaliated. With two strikes, he cut down his assailant. Soon, the other went up in pale flames with the help of Ara' Sei.

       The horde was now entirely gone. The rest of the group ran forward.

       "Ella, you shouldn't do that, you don't have magic, you need your strength." Ara' Sei said, her voice quieter than usual.

       Cedric ran up to Zerai, a small diamond in his palm.

       "Hold still." Cedric said. Then, with a small muttering, emerald power surged through Zerai's power. Zerai took one, deep breath, and smiled.

       "Okay, I'm feeling better now, thanks." Zerai said.

       "No problem, sorry Ara' Sei, that's all I have." Cedric said.

       "It's fine, I don't need it as much as he does." Ara' Sei said. She let her divine power flow to her shoulders, and two wings sprung from her back. Thankfully, her wings felt just as strong as they usually did, and they lifted her slouched body into the air.

       "If I'm not mistaken, I remember that whatever those dragons killed with their breath turned into those shadow creatures. There's probably hundreds. We don't have time to kill them all." Brie explained.

       "In other words?" Ella asked.

       "Just get to the cathedral, find Aiyoshar if he's alive, and do whatever else we can." 

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