Chapter 287

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       Back near Fort Ao, Ara' Sei began walking towards the rest of the group to deliver the news.

       "Alright, the others found a gold dragon willing to help us! They're on their way." Ara' Sei explained.

       Everyone in the group had felt that same feeling of heightened resilience and far greater magical power.

       "Okay, that's good to hear. But, what's our plan for fighting the dragons?" Eris asked.

       "Our previous plans have whittled down their numbers. Now, there are thirteen dragons, according to Eris. We are soon going to have nine people and a gold dragon. I think now, we have a chance to fight them head on." Ara' Sei said.

       "Are you certain Ara' Sei, it's been close in the past." Cedric said.

       "It has, but enough lives have been lost. I'm not prepared to let Fort Ao fall too. As ambitious as it is, I want to fight them long before they reach Fort Ao." Ara' Sei explained.

       "She's right, enough people have died for our failure. It's time we stopped her army of dragons." Ella said.

       "What about her, she can come back from the dead." Zerai mentioned.

       "I can get all of us to her island in the plane she was imprisoned on. I imagine there's something we could do once we're there." Ara' Sei said.

       "It's... a risky plan, there's a lot of unknowns." Eris said.

       "I know, Eris! But thousands of people are dead now because we haven't been able to stop this! It's time to put an end to it now, now, I know we're strong enough to do so." Ara' Sei said.

       "So, you mentioned wanting to stop Ara' Carus before she got here, what are your proposing?" Cedric asked.

       "I'm proposing we fight her at the Northern shore of the Theirin bay." Ara' Sei said.

       "In that case, we should probably let Brie and the others know." Eris said. Ara' Sei took a deep breath, remembering the spell that Brie had used. Her body glowed with pale light.

       "Brie, there's been a change of plans. We're going to fight Ara' Carus head on at the Northern shore of the Theirin Bay. Be there." Ara' Sei said. After a few moments, Ara' Sei nodded.

       "It's settled, that's where they're meeting us, we should probably get going Southward." Ara' Sei said before looking to Ella.

       Despite the cloud cover, Ella was still able to figure out where the sun was, and she began guiding the group South towards the Northern shore of the Theirin Bay.

       Hundreds of miles away, Auracordius altered his course more towards the South, in the direction of the Theirin Bay. As he had said, he flew very quickly, despite his odd manner of flight. He flew high as well, not minding the thinner air of higher elevation.

       Brie took a deep breath, trying desperately to quell her nerves. This was it, they were going to fight Ara' Carus and her dragons head on.

       "Alright Brie, don't worry, we got this."

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