Chapter 299

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       Ella continued her flight forward, powered by golden spectral wings. Then the next dragon she came across looked like a larger version of the dragon she had just sent towards the depths.

       She repeatedly slammed the base of the dragon's wing with her blade, cutting deeper and deeper each time, but for some reason it was far more difficult to pull off this time.

       Zerai continued flying upwards, and Brie smiled as she got closer and closer to the fight transpiring above.

       Cedric turned around just in time to slam into the water.

       A shock went through his whole system. He felt cold water washing over him. His eyes stung as he opened them in the salty water. He convulsed, coughing dark, inky blood into the water. He could vaguely see dark shapes moving in the distance within the water.

       He began struggling towards the surface, his sudden convulsion causing him to lose most of his air supply. A sense of cold dread surrounded him as he realized the surface was still almost thirty feet away.

       Seeing Ella's struggle, Eris flew over, and their hand crackled with electricity. They dug their hand into the lacerations that Ella had created, and electricity pulsed through the dragon's wing. Suddenly, the wing went limp, and the dragon began to spiral downwards towards the water below.

       Brie looked at one of the other three dragons remaining. Unfortunately, only one of them was close enough.

       She carved a small, pale blue glyph, and she unleashed its power in a ray that shot upwards.

       Ice crystals formed around the base of one of the dragon's wings, and the dragon growled in response.

       Ara' Carus' fangs began dripping with black bile, and she whispered a word beneath her breath.

       Then, Aiyoshar fell off his mount, and began to plummet downwards. His body was strangely limp, and Eris' eyes widened as they recognized themselves from the premonition they'd had in a previous battle.

       Auracordius noticed the ice crystals that had formed around the base of one of the dragon's wings and he immediately flew for it.

       He grasped the dragon's wing with his claws, digging them into the bone. Then, with his teeth, he once again ripped off the dragon's wing, sending it hurtling towards the water below along with Aiyoshar.

       The remaining two dragons lunged towards Auracordius, and he roared in pain as he was bitten, mauled, and slammed with a tail.

       Aiyoshar's body hit the water with a sickeningly loud sound, and he began to sink.

       "Dive down, now!" Roya shouted at Varhine, and Varhine tucked her wings in, sending them into the body in the water that had begun to sink.

       Ara' Sei looked towards the last remaining dragon besides the one Ara' Carus rode upon herself. She let fire flow through her arm, and a spear of flame flew towards the base of the dragon's wing.

       Ara' Sei sighed as the flaming spear only glancingly hit the dragon's wing.

       "Don't worry Ara' Sei I'll finish your job!" Ella shouted as she flew past Ara' Sei.

       With four fluid swipes, Ella made due on her promise, and the only dragons left flying in the sky were Ara' Carus' mount and Auracordius.

       Cedric continued to desperately fight his way towards the surface, but he could see the dark shapes in the water growing larger and larger.

       Eris started flying towards Ara' Carus' dragon, but they were flung back by a particularly powerful spear of flame.

       Brie wasn't close enough to use any spells on Ara' Carus, and Zerai had only started readjusting his course.

       Then, Ara' Carus raised her hands to the sky, and liquid shadow began to drip from her hands and surround her, engulfing her and her dragon in darkness. As quickly as it had come, it was gone, but Ara' Carus and her massive mount were also gone.

       The battle above the Theirin Bay was won, but Ara' Carus was still alive. 

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