Chapter 238

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       "What should we do?!" Zerai asked.

       "I don't know?!" Brie shouted. Ara' Sei looked around, taking in the dragons and the burning buildings.

       Ara' Carus had power over these dragons, somehow.

       "Brie, what do you know about her?" Ara' Sei said, pointing up at the dragon circling high above

       "She's powerful, she's undead, she started a war, she probably controls the dragons." Brie summarized.

       "We can't hope to bring her down, or stop what's already happening. We know what these dragons can do." Ara' Sei said, glancing briefly at Ella.

       "What should we do then?" Ella asked.

       "We should try to pick off some of these dragons. We can't stop what's happening, but we can make her most powerful asset weaker in the future, that being her dragons. We need to stick together, and take out as many of these dragons as possible. The moment things get too serious, we'll have to run." Ara' Sei explained.

       "We should also try to get a bit of help from other people." Eris suggested.

       "Yes, that's a good idea. We should fetch Aiyoshar, he seems to be powerful, he could be a powerful ally." Ara' Sei said.

       "So, what are you saying we should do?" Zerai asked.

       "We need to run to the cathedral of Solan, pick off a few of these dragons, and run." Ara' Sei said.

       "But, we have to stop them, you said we know what they're capable of, they'll destroy the whole city!" Brie said, tears pouring from her eyes. Ara' Sei closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

       "There are more dragons than there are us. We can't stop this. At least, not yet. But, we have to try to weaken her dragons. I don't think this'll stop here in Point Sathus, it'll continue. We need to make sure it's harder for her to do this again, so let's go." Ara' Sei explained, her voice barely wavering.

       The group began running through the flooded streets. People were running, screaming, and panicking. Ara' Sei flew above the crowd towards the cathedral. Then, a dragon began flying towards the street the group was in.

       Ara' Sei pointed at the dragon, and let a beacon build within her fingertips. The beacon flew at the dragon, which was still quite a ways away.

       The screaming in the street escalated as people saw the dragon's shape draw nearer.

       Eris muttered a word beneath their breath and disappeared before reappearing on a nearby rooftop.

       The beacon that Ara' Sei had sent slammed into the creature's side. The dragon itself was rather small, and it looked similar to the one Ara' Sei had faced above the ocean in the plane that had imprisoned Ara' Carus.

       The prison that she had unlocked.

       The wind around Zerai picked up, and he rose from the crowd before flying towards the incoming dragon, his blade appearing in his hand.

       Brie muttered a word beneath her breath and also reappeared on a nearby rooftop.

       Ella was stuck within the surging crowd, but she still continued slowly approaching the battle.

       Cedric transformed into an eagle with a flash before flying to a nearby rooftop above the surging crowd below.

       The dragon flew ever closer to the massive crowd of people in the street below.

       Brie heard the sounds around her, and noticed the smells of dust and smoke more clearly. The silhouette of the dragon, the reflection of Zerai's blade. Brie looked towards Ara' Sei.

       "Whatever you just did! Do it again! Trust me!" Brie shouted as loud as she could.

       Ara' Sei just barely heard Brie's voice over the crowd, and she let a beacon build within her fingertips. She aimed at the dragon, and fired the beacon. The point of light flew towards the dragon with incredible speed. Then, as the dragon began swerving down in the direction of the crowd in the street below, the beacon slammed into its eye.

       Zerai flew forwards and plunged his blade into the dragon as it flew past. The blade carved through the dragon as it flew past, and Zerai was rapidly coated in black ichor.

       Brie carved the same, pulsing red glyph as before. A red bead of light flew towards the dragon and impacted its stomach in a fiery explosion.

       The dragon's tail flailed around, slamming into Zerai. He was sent reeling back midair from the power of the impact.

       Cedric transformed back into his normal form, and began pulling out the golden wand.

       Eris stayed on the roof, not entirely sure of what to do.

       The dragon swerved downwards and crashed into a nearby building. The building and dragon collapsed, and over a dozen people were crushed between the dragon's body and the falling, three story building.

       However, the dragon also appeared to be almost dead. Ella was able to check when she emerged from the crowd and plunged her blade into the dragon's spine.

       "It's dead!" Ella shouted.

       Then, Zerai helped fly each member of the group off the roofs of the various buildings. The rush to get Aiyoshar as an ally continued, and the group continued approaching the cathedral of Solan. 

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