Chapter 304

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       The dragon beat its massive wings, sending a shockwave rippling through the room. Ella was knocked to the floor.

       Eris dug their dagger into the floor, narrowly avoiding being flung back. Then, as the dragon ascended upwards, Eris muttered a word beneath their breath.

       As they predicted, they reappeared just below the dragon's stomach in midair. Then, they plunged their dagger in, and pushed forward, opening up the dragon's stomach.

       They groaned as they fell to the floor, their ankle painfully slamming into the ground, nevertheless, they pulled themselves to their feet.

       Zerai looked around at the blackened corpses on the ground, as well as the shadow creatures near them.

       He could clearly see Roya's armor, and he realized.

       "They're the only other person here that can bring back people." He said. That was when it hit him. Where was Aiyoshar? He didn't have time to worry about that.

       He flew down to Roya's corpse and took out one of the diamonds he had gotten from the cathedral of Solan in Point Sathus. It felt like a lifetime ago, and lamented the city's absence for a brief moment.

       The diamond crumbled into glowing, golden dust. Then, a golden flash briefly illuminated the room, and Roya was no longer a blackened corpse. They opened their eyes, and took a deep breath. One of the remaining shadow creatures disappeared.

       "Are you okay?" Zerai asked.

       "Been better." Roya said. Their body glowed with golden light, and the deep purple marks across their body withdrew.

       With her golden wings gifted by Zerai, Ella took off. But, as she flew up, the dragon's mouth billowed with violet flame, and she was hit by a point blank storm of flames.

       She groaned, and violet bruises began to spread across her skin. But, her ring glowed brightly, and it was obvious that the effect of the violet flames was withheld.

       Zerai and Roya crouched down as the flames raged above them.

       Ella took a deep breath, and she looked at the dragon with her single remaining eye.

       "Really? That's it?" Ella asked. Then, she flew at the dragon's head with her blade in hand.

       Eris was on the ground, so all of the dragon's focus was on Ella herself. It was difficult for Ella to make as much of an impact as before, but she still carved gashes into the dragon's head.

       The dragon's tail slammed into Ella, sending her reeling back.

       Roya ran towards the nearest body, which was the body of Brie. The last diamond they had crumbled away, and Roya muttered a prayer to Solan. The blackened corpse of Brie glowed with sunlight before the flesh regained color and reformed into Brie.

       Brie took a breath, and she groaned.

       "It's okay Brie, I think." Roya said uncertainly.

       Eris stood back up to their full height before leaping up. With another muttered word beneath their breath they disappeared and reappeared below the dragon's stomach.

       They plunged their dagger upwards once more, causing more steaming black guts to spill from the dragon's stomach. Then, an organ fell from the dragon's stomach and to the floor.

       Eris fell back down to the floor, landing on their back in the pile of dragon guts. The dragon roared in agony. Ella was bashed away with the dragon's wing as it began to fly down upon Eris. 

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