Chapter 261

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       Ara' Sei could clearly see the village of Cresselbrooke. Most of the buildings had been withered and burnt away. Two dragons were visible, one of which was breathing a cloud of glowing violet mist into the street.

       Even from far away, Ara' Sei could see the corpses that littered the streets, the buildings that had been destroyed, and she could hear the faint sound of screams.

       Suddenly, the wings that Zerai had given her vanished into nothing.

       "Help!" She shouted, as she began to plummet. The ground was hundreds of feet away, the chances of her surviving were too small. However, in an instant she had her own wings at the ready, pale as pristine pearl.

       Cedric swooped down to get Eris, and he was able to scoop them up in his talons before they fell to the ground.

       Ara' Sei hadn't fallen to her death, but now she couldn't keep ahead of the dragons that were on her tail. She groaned as teeth raked her.

       She placed her hand on herself, and pale light pulsed through her.

       "Just in case." She whispered to herself. She glanced towards Cedric.

       Eris rode upon the back of Cedric's eagle form, and they were flying towards Ara' Sei.

       "Just need to buy them a moment." Ara' Sei said.

       Ara' Sei groaned as a cold feeling exploded across her right shoulder, and it immediately became numb. A few seconds later, searing pain exploded up her leg. Her flight pattern forward wavered. She was drenched in glowing, violet liquid, which began withering her flesh, leaving horrible purple marks behind.

       "Just. Bit. Longer." Ara' Sei managed to mutter. Cedric was approaching closer.

       Ara' Sei screamed as lightning hit her, causing her whole body to convulse. Her body flashed with pale light and her wounds began to heal rapidly. Her eyes glowed with power and she powered herself forward with her spectral wings.

       Then, Cedric scooped her up in his talons, grasping her tightly, and flying as fast as he possibly could. Ara' Sei placed her hand on her chest, and vitality flooded through her.

       "Get to the village, we need to get out of here!" Ara' Sei said.

       "Yeah, we're doing that now." Eris said. Cedric flew with incredible speed.

       "Where should I teleport us?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Probably to Aaronsworth! That's where the dragons will probably go next. But it's hundreds of miles away, it should take them a few days." Eris said.

       "Okay." Ara' Sei replied.

       Then, Cedric let out a loud cry, and began flying closer to the ground. Looking ahead, Ara' Sei could see all the others in town running in their direction.

       "Okay Ara' Sei, I think that's your cue. It's time to get us out of here." Eris said.

       "Right. I can teleport us towards Aaronsworth, but the spell may not work as intended, so I'd suggest preparing for the worst." Ara' Sei said.

       Cedric rocketed towards the group ahead. The dragons behind did their best to stay in pursuit, and they weren't far behind.

       Ara' Sei prepared herself, beginning to let the light flow through her. Her eyes began to glow, soon followed by her entire body.

       Ara' Sei looked at the broken, burning village of Cresselbrooke that lay ahead. Shadow creatures prowled the streets, corpses littered the ground, buildings were collapsed and burnt.

       She remembered arriving there for the first time, she remembered the faint liquor smell of the Beachside Tavern. She remembered seeing several of the others for the first time.

       Here it was, all gone.

       "Let's go." She said, tears flying from her eyes. With a pale flash, the whole group was gone, leaving Cresselbrooke behind. 

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