Chapter 222

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       "It's a good question, but I think this book alone doesn't answer it." Ella replied.

       "What are you proposing?" Brie asked.

       "We do some research on this Ara' Carus person." Ella answered.

       "I'm not sure where I'd find that. I found the first book in the Demiplanes Section and the war has a section all to its own. I'll try to find something in historical figures, because you don't just lock up random people in a demiplane." Brie said.

       "Okay, do you need your spell again?" Ella asked.

       "Sure, I'll look through the Historical Figures Section, and then we'll head back, it's starting to get kind of late." Brie said. Brie cast the spell again over the next ten minutes. Then, the two parted.

       Both of them went upwards, only Ella went close to the very top. She decided to find a lounge chair and relax. Brie went up only a few levels before she found the Historical Figures Section.

       In the Historical Figures Section were various different kinds of people. There were archmages, kinds, governors, and war generals. Every now and then, Brie saw titles referring to famous criminals throughout history.

       But, she found nothing regarding anyone named Ara' Carus. Going back down to the section dedicated to the war, Brie looked for any tome that investigated the cause of the burning villages.

       Strangely, there was absolutely nothing.

       Looking through the window, Brie could see the sky was beginning to dim.

       Alright Ella, I think we should go. I'll meet you on the bottom level.

       Did you find anything?

       No, I found nothing. We'll continue this research tomorrow, and I'll see if I can find anything then.


       Brie headed down to the bottom level, and soon Ella followed. The two exited the towering library, and they were let through the gate.

       The two walked back to the inn. Ella was delighted upon receiving her new sword.

       "Wow, where'd you get this?" Ella asked.

       "We got it from a shop somewhere, I think near where all the buildings are made of stone. Just make sure not to show it out in public, big city, you know." Eris lied.

       "Of course!" Ella replied, before accepting the sword and rushing off to her room. Brie was sitting on her bed in contemplation.

       "Why wouldn't it be there. It's really important. I can't think of any other section it could possibly be in." Brie said.

       "Well, you could ask someone?" Ella asked.

       "I could, but they'll probably say it should be in Historical Figures. It has to be somewhere, this is too important to not have a note of." Brie answered.

       "What about the restricted section?" Ella asked.

       "Huh?" Brie asked back.

       "The Restricted Section, it's at the very top of the tower. I was on the level right before it. There was a stairway with a sign that said restricted. I'm not sure if there was actually any guard on it though." Ella explained.

       "There's probably some form of magical warding. But why would anyone want to hide her? It's really important to have note of those people in history! Additionally, if she is the reason the war started, there is no reason to keep the truth a secret." Brie said.

       "Well, I can't think of a good reason someone would want that. I'm sure there are plenty of stupid ones though." Ella said. Brie froze.

       "Can you say that again?" She asked.

       "There are plenty of stupid reasons someone would keep the real reason for a war a secret, I think that's what I said." Ella repeated.

       "Since the war, there's always been a somewhat tense relationship between Norda and Sathun. If the real reason got out, this tension would dissolve. If information about Ara' Carus is there, it's because wants to maintain the tense relationship between the nations." Brie explained.

       "Why would they want to maintain it?" Ella asked.

       "Probably because it benefits them. If we find it in the Restricted Section, it means someone powerful benefits from this problem, and then hid that information to maintain the tense relationship between the nations." Brie answered.

       "Oh, okay. But, how are we going to get in if there are magical wards or whatever?" Ella asked.

       "For that, we may need a little help." 

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