Chapter 258

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       Aiyoshar held his symbol towards the dragon, and around its massive head, pale orange flames burst, and the dragon shut its eyes and flailed its head, roaring in pain.

       Zerai then charged forward with his magical blade in hand. His first slash cut into the dragon's leg, sending black blood spraying over the ground. Then, he ran forward and plunged his blade into the dragon's scales. It sank several inches in, but didn't seem to inflict much damage on its own.

       Two of the guards loaded their crossbows and fired upon the dragon. The other guards charged forward armed with their blades.

       The crossbow bolts bounced harmlessly off the dragon's thick scales. Unfortunately, the guard's blades proved to be equally useless.

       Then, the dragon lowered its head, violet energy crackling within its mouth. Then, a bolt of violet lightning erupted from the dragon's mouth, impaling Aiyoshar, Ella, and several of the guards with its power.

       Ella was able to step to the side just in time. However, Aiyoshar and the guards were slammed with the bolt's full force. Their bodies instantly turned to blackened, withered ash, and spectral forms rose from the remains.

       "Oh, great!" Ella shouted sarcastically. Two shadow creatures went for Zerai. Two drifted towards Brie. The final one that drifted over to Roya.

       Zerai felt a sick, cold feeling as one of the creature's touched him. He backed away quickly, but could feel his blade just barely harder to hold.

       Brie felt the touch siphoning her strength, and her legs wobbled beneath her as she struggled to even stand. She backed away from the second shadow as she hyperventilated.

       Roya glanced the blow off their armor as they ran past the shadow creature towards the blacked corpse of Aiyoshar.

       They took out a pristine, pale diamond, and held it above the corpse. The diamond crumbled to glowing ash, and Aiyoshar's corpse flashed with sunlight. Then, as the light faded, he lay there with tattered white robes, and gasped for breath. The shadow creature that had emerged from him crumbled into nothing.

       Varhine stepped forward, muttering a quiet word beneath her breath. Aiyoshar's body flashed with emerald light. Then, she ran towards the dragon, a flame appearing above her hand and flying at the dragon. Unfortunately for her, it didn't catch flame.

       Brie carved a pulsing, red glyph into the air, aiming for the dragon's head. A red bead of light flew upwards, detonating in a red, fiery explosion. The dragon roared in pain and beat its wings, sending Zerai and Ella flying back. The force pushed it upwards as it began to fly into the sky.

       "Oh, damn it!" Ella cursed, unable to attack the dragon with her blade.

       Aiyoshar stood up, and pointed his hand at the dragon. With a flash of orange tinted sunlight, a beacon of similar light flew towards the dragon. The beacon slammed into the back of the creature's head, and sunlight pulsed through the whole creature. The shadow creatures disintegrated as the now dead dragon fell to the ground, its corpse making a sickening crunch sound as it hit the ground.

       "Okay! Onto the next dragon!" Zerai shouted.

       But, as everyone looked around, it was clear their work was of little use. Buildings crumbled as violet flames devoured them. A dragon swooped down, and as it flew back upwards, a body hung from its jaws. People ran from shadow creature's that now lurked through the town, vanishing into dimly lit spots and reappearing to try and kill whatever they could find.

       Cresselbrooke was being destroyed. 

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