Chapter 207

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       "What in the world was that?" Zerai asked.

       "Well, she attacked us. And now we know that she's really powerful, and quite likely the one who's been sending dragons." Brie said.

       "Well, what now?" Cedric asked.

       "I'm not sure. Since the other dragons, however many there are, probably are on this island, we probably shouldn't disturb them or go anywhere else." Eris answered.

       However, while all of it was happening, Ara' Sei was stepping towards the place where Ara' Carus had placed her hand.

       "What was she missing?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "Huh?" Zerai asked, looking towards her.

       "What was she missing that blocked her from making this thing work?" Ara' Sei asked.

       "I'm not sure." Zerai replied. Ara' Sei placed her hand upon the print and focused her power, at first, nothing happened.

       But then, Ara' Sei heard a voice within her mind. It was a masculine voice, and it had a relaxed, charming tone.

       "For you, I shall break the seal upon Ezilthar." The voice said. A pale glow pulsed through the patterns within the gray construction that Ara' Carus had built.

       "What's happening!?" Brie asked.

       "I heard someone." Ara' Sei answered.

       "Well? What did they say?" Zerai asked. Ara' Sei turned around to face everyone.

       "The voice said that the seal upon Ezilthar had been broken." Ara' Sei replied.

       "The seal? What could that mean?" Zerai asked. Brie's eyes lit up.

       "Wait, one of you. Try that spell again that lets you use interplanar travel!" Brie said.

       "Do you think that's what 'the seal of Ezilthar' was referring to?" Ara' Sei asked. Brie nodded.

       "But, the only component I have is a place called Arboria. It's another plane." Cedric said. Brie's eyes lit up again.

       "That's even better! Arboria is one of the Upper Planes! There are angels and whatnot there that are divine beings. Bringing someone back from the dead requires divine power. There'll probably be someone there who could bring Ella back!"

       "What else do you know about it?" Cedric asked. Then, Brie's expression sank.

       "Generally, the beings of Upper Planes are benevolent. But Arborea can be dangerous at times. We should definitely keep a low profile when we're there." Brie said.

       "If things get tense, I can probably defuse the situation slightly." Ara' Sei said.

       "Gather around, everyone." Zerai said.

       Everyone assembled into a circle where they linked hands. Zerai held the cloak in one hand and the rod that Cedric had given him in the other. When he finished the incantation, everyone glowed with golden light. Suddenly, everyone felt their stomachs turn, and everything went white.

       When the bright glare faded, everyone was lying in thick grass. Smells of nature surrounded them. The colors of the forest around them were overwhelming at first.

       The trees around them were massive, and each one towered well over a hundred feet tall. However, they were in a meadow with beautiful grass and glowing flowers. The sky above was painted with sunset colors.

       Despite the gorgeous surroundings, the objective hadn't changed. They needed to get to someone who could bring Ella back, and they had five days left to do so. 

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