Chapter 288

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       Auracordius flew at a rapid pace southwards. Within a few hours the group had already travelled well over thirty miles.

       The day went on, all four people gripping the dragon with all their strength. Thankfully, Auracordius was also a very smooth flier.

       After about ten hours of flight, Auracordius finally landed. Then, he transformed back into his normal form.

       "The Northern coast of the Theirin Bay is still rather far from here. I just need a moment. Tomorrow night, we can sleep." He said. Brie's eyes widened.

       "Are you sure you can travel for that long?" Brie asked. Auracordius nodded.

       "I'm positive." He said. The group sat in silence for a few minutes, but Brie's curiosity got the best of her.

       "What do you know? About Ara' Carus?" Brie asked.

       "Well, I know she started the war between Norda and Sathun, although nobody seems to know that. I also know that she was imprisoned on a plane without any form of interplanar travel, so I wonder how she got out." Auracordius said.

       "Well, a few other friends, which includes Zerai, as well as myself... We followed a stone tablet and ended up in the same plane as her. Then, we were in a rush to get out, and Ara' Sei was able to break the block on interplanar travel, or... someone let her through, as far as I remember." Brie explained.

       "Ara' Sei? You know a divine gifted?" Auracordius asked.

       "A what?" Brie asked.

       "A divine gifted, mortal individuals chosen to wield divine power. Ara' Carus is one as well... only she threw away her purpose and sought to kill all 'normal' mortals. You appear to have befriended one." Auracordius said.

       "Yeah, she's... honestly the most powerful mage I've ever seen. Besides Ara' Carus of course." Brie said.

       "Hmm, you have a divine gifted, Zerai, and who else?" Auracordius asked.

       "Well, there's Cedric... he draws his magic from nature, he altered the weather when we were going across the Boiling Ocean following the tablet, speaking of which, what was that tablet?" Brie asked.

       "You know how I gifted you hints in your dreams. As well as communicated with you. Well, I did some of that with Ara' Carus. I left seeds within the minds of every diviner I could find. Soon, she caught on, and she followed the prophecy alongside her dragons into Exilthar, which is the prison that the god of Trickery forged for her." Auracordius explained.

       "What! Oh my gods, she's going to be so mad when you show up!" Brie shouted.

       "I don't doubt it. Now, everyone, it's best that we got going, we have a long way to go and not much time to do it!" Auracordius said.

       Everyone gathered themselves as quickly as they could, Aiyoshar dropped his things and had to retrieve them again. However, within minutes, everyone was ready.

       Golden light once again overflowed the group's visions, and Auracordius had restored himself back to his draconic form. Everybody climbed on, and Auracordius took off.

       Without effort, Auracordius flew through the rest of the night. Brie wondered how she, who was just riding on his back, was getting more tired than he was. She assumed that was part of being a powerful gold dragon.

       Then, the next morning came, and he showed no signs of slowing down. The sun beat down on the group for the rest of the day, and it didn't help that Auracordius had shiny golden scales.

       Finally, as evening came, he landed.

       "Alright, we need to get some sleep. But we also need to leave as early as possible tomorrow." He said. With a similar golden flash, he transformed back into his human form, and with the group he got ready for a night of rest. 

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