Chapter - 78 - Master's People

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"You're young." The old man said as he looked down at me.

I felt energy radiating off of him, but I still used my energy to pull out of his grip.

"I detest human touch, please do not touch me needlessly," I said. "And yes, I am young, 14."

"Tisk." Another older man spoke up. "Why would you pick such a young sprout to be under you?" He asked my master.

My master smiled.

"He surprised me." He turned toward me. "Now leave my disciple. I will be back in May."

I nodded.

"See you then master." I paused. "Wait, did I tell you about the wedding?"

Masters eyes grew big.

"You're getting married?" He asked surprised.

I knitted my brows.

"No. Me and Mei are going to one in April. If I'm not back by May, that's why."

"Oh, young sprout, you already have a woman?" An Old man asked.

"I have no woman. Did you not listen when I said I detested human contact?" I raised a brow. "Besides, Mei is my elder sister. She just lives with us."

They looked at each other and then at my eyes.

"Does she have green eyes?" One asked.

"No. We are not siblings by blood. Now I'm gonna leave."

I picked up the book and turned around the quickly reach the door. Expect the door opened and in came an extremely powerful force.

Holy shit.

I immediately coughed up blood.

"Suppress your power!" I heard behind me.

Suddenly the power was suppressed.

Holy fuck that hurt. I refused to fall to my knees but I still had my hands on my knees. I felt my energy start to stabilize as I looked up.

"Don't look at me." I heard a booming voice filled with energy.

My body physically could not handle it, so I fell to the floor.

"Kobe!" I heard my master yell behind me as I laid there. I felt a wrap her put over my eyes as he turned me over and held me.

I felt healing energy enter my body.

"Must you be this way?" I heard my master's angry voice.

"A weakling has no right to see my face." I heard the man's voice and gulped. He sounded pissed.

"Master." I squeezed out.

"Kobe?" He seemed surprised I could talk.

"I should leave." I grasped on the book and pushed myself from Masters's grip. I immediately hit the ground, but I just stood with my might and walked to the door. I couldn't see anything but I knew it must be in front of me.

"Left." I heard the man's voice. Expect it seemed to be right in front of me.

Shit. I immediately sidestepped to the left and fell against the door.

"Use your key." I heard master say.

I pulled out the key and used it on the lock. Immediately, the door opened and I walked through. After that, I used my arms and shut the door.

Immediately afterward, I fell forward and passed out. Man being weak sucked balls.

When I awoke, Mei was yelling at me.

I looked up to see her worried face.

"Kobe! We have a problem!" She yelled.

My eyes grew big.

"What is it?" I asked as I moved to stand up.

"A man on a horse came by and dropped off a letter. The Beast Forest by TuZan, WunSu, and YeiRu Empires is becoming restless."

I paused as she leads me down the hallway.

"So, a Beast Stampede?" I looked up at her.

She nodded.

I pursed my lips. TuZan, WunSu, and YeiRu are in a flat zone. TuZan and WunSu had access to the ocean, so they could leave, but YeiRu...from the left was Mountains and behind. On the right was the Beast Forest and beyond that was large mountains.

I bit my lower lip. The beast had nowhere to go but those empires if they started to run about. The only opening across the continents was going through the pass next to WunSu.

So in all of these instances. The people of YeiRu still had nowhere to go. Unless they traveled through the other Empires and even then. The other Empires wouldn't allow them to.

Because YeiRu wasn't just a normal Empire. The whole Empire was full of mixed-bloods. Basically, Elf/Human mixes or Dragon/Dwarf. These mixes are all over the place and there's a lot of them. Every other Empire dislikes them, so they all just all live there.

And they can't walk through, because the Empires view them as unclean. Hell, they might not even go back to their Empires if they find out YeiRu's inhabitants walked through.

I was sitting on a chair while I contemplated this.

"Mei," I spoke up.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Did they say when the Beast Stampede would be?"

"From what they said, sometime in late Autumn. By Summer though, it would be dangerous to even live by the forest. No doubt this is a big one. The Empires will be done for."

I placed my hand on my forehead.

"Okay, Master said he would be back in May," I said. "We shall continue this conversation then. For now, there is nothing we can do to help. Who knows, the Empires might even figure something out."

Though I doubted they would. Nobels of this world had a tendency to not care about other races. Especially, mixed races.

By the next day, I was better. Though, I didn't cultivate. I just walked outside and closed my eyes. The cold wind blew by me. I opened my eyes after a moment and looked out past the mountains.

How do I let go of regret? I want to cultivate, but what that Panda said makes me think I should deal with this first.

I sighed.

I've had nightmares of that for a very long time. Even though he killed my family, I regret killing him. The old woman was right about it. All my brother needed was the right help. My stupid mother just refused it.

Kobe the Beast Tamer Where stories live. Discover now