Chapter - 124 - Guu

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I followed behind Mei and we left each other somewhere in the books.

"Im sure you guys already know, but I'm looking for any information you might have on that grub. Any information you want to give will be much appreciated." I said as I followed them.

They lead me to an area somewhere in the back. In the middle of some books and pulled out 3.

1st Book, 'Ancient Guu'.

2nd Book 'Guu classification'.

3rd Book 'Guu Alchemy'.

The 3rd book really caught my attention, but paused and picked the second book. It seemed like there was an order to how I needed to read these.

The books were thick so I took my time as I read through. Foxes laid around me and sometimes they would even bring me snacks.

Their docile nature really put a smile on my face.

As I continued to read, I realized I didn't get tired, or sick of reading. I started to wonder if this was the work of a Deity. It must have been for something to break the law of Nature like this. But if that's the case...I looked down at the book on Alchemy.

No time to think about it.

After I finished the second book, I started to think about what I just read. The classifications of Guu were separated by color. Which, was new for me because I had only ever seen the Yellow ones. Though, it seems like each Guu was used for a different purpose.

For example, I was wrong about the Yellow Guu. It didn't feed off of anger. It fed off of someone's greatest desire. So, the two men I killed just had one emotion that was kicked in overdrive.

The others are Classified like so.

1st Red Guu, Feeds off of someone's greatest hate. Downside kills the host within a year to two years.

2nd Purple Guu, Feeds off of intercourse. The downside, subjects tend to lose their sanity.

3rd Black Guu, immune to most poisons. The downside, they slowly grow patches of black patches all over their skin until their skin rots.

4th Green Guu, immediate death. All organs burst.

5th Blue Guu, the heart rate slows. The body turns cold until it dies. No known way to get the subject out of this state.

6th Orange Guu, the subject loses sanity.

7th Yellow Guu, the subject acts upon their Greatest Desire to the point it becomes Animalistic. The downside, they slowly lose their sanity depending on mental power.

8th White Guu, no data.

The White Guu really surprised me. I wonder what it does.

Next, I opened the next book. Ancient Guu.

As I read, I had to put it down. It gave detailed explanations about the Guu and what happened to each subject. They tested on the poor, sick, wealthy, and everyone in between to see if the Guu would do something different.

I've killed a lot of people through my two lifetimes, but every single one of them came after me first. Never, did I do a hit on someone who didn't know I was coming. No, I only killed when they came after me or someone I cared about.

But this, this was disgusting.

I think the foxes saw how my demeanor changed because they started coming over and nudging me with their wet noses.

"I just need to take a breather," I said as I stood up. There's a reason the power of this place showed me this book. Was it to tell me how awful they were? No, I already guessed they were.

I walked to a window and saw that it was dark outside. I stared out in the night and continued to think.

Why give me this book?

I tapped away at the windowsill. I looked down at a fox that was nudging me.

"You wouldn't happen to know why I was given that book would you?" I asked.

The fox just looked at me.

I sighed and just returned to the chair.

I opened the book and continued. Each entry made me cringe. I started to feel so many emotions as I read through. It seemed it would go forever until I got to White Guu.

First page, 'every subject was healed from their disease and infirmity. The downside, the subject disassociates and becomes void of who they used to be.

Keeping subject 001 alive for as long as possible to see what happens.'

I gripped the book as I sat there. I continued to read.

'Subject 001 shows no sign of needing to eat or use the bathroom. Subject 001 has not used the bathroom or eaten in over 3 weeks.

Subject 001 is completely healthy after 1 month.

Subject 001 has not changed, it's been a year.'

I scanned through every entry until the last one.

'After 87 years, 3 months, and 5 days of not eating or drinking, and only sleeping, the subject started to speak. It's almost as if some soul has taken over the body. Further experiments are necessary.

Subject 001 has escaped.'


Is that it?

I turned to the next page but there was no other mention of this.

I just sighed and put down the book.

I picked up the next book. 'Guu Alchemy.'

It spoke about how Guu was created using the elements and one particular grub only found in Paradise. Its primary food was Spirit Energy so it was very difficult to keep alive if there was no host for it to feed off of.

It made me think, is that why the Guu reacted to me?

I laid back in my chair as I read more.

The book outlined how Guu was made in every single detail. Almost down to the ounce, it seemed like.

Around the last chapter was where it got weird though. It started to talk about how they wanted to create a super Guu. One that made the user unable to be killed and without any emotion. And so the experiments with the white Guu had become.

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