Chapter - 23 - Pure Body

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I was still sitting and shaking so I tried to stand but my body wouldnt let me. Aden was about to help but I felt a glacier touch me. I realized it was the ice prince.

I was pulled up in to his arms and immediately I was face to face with him.

"Are you okay?" He looked at me seriously.

"Yea, now let go." I took my arms that had no strength and pushed at his chest. It was no use.

"You're shaking." He knitted his brows.

"Duh, I almost died. Now please let me go."

He shook his head.

"You're coming with me."

"I what?!"

I yelled as he shot into the air.

Holy mother of shit!

I had no strength in me so I just huddled in this shits arms. I can't believe I am in the air with out any protection! If he dropped me....I would be so dead.

he hit the ground with his feet and walked into what looked to be the room I woke up in when I first arrived here.

He sat me down on a bed and then left. Seconds later a snake appeared. I moved my hand and let Aden climb on.

"Sorry about leaving you." I said.

"No worries. You had no control over the situation." He replied.

"What did they say?" I asked.

"A lot of stuff, but I would ask the old dude after this is done."

He's right, I will.

Then ice fucker came back in the room with the other fucker. The quack doctor. I wasn't sure about this. I didn't trust him.

"Let me check you." The quack doctor sat in a chair.

"Hell no. Go away." I gave the waving motion to leave.

"I just want to help." He put out his hand.

"I'm fine." I replied.

"Yes, it seems that way, but I also want to check."

I pursed my lips and just threw out my arm.


He touched my wrist and closed his eyes. Almost immediately, his eyebrows scrunched up and he opened his eyes.

" have you lived this long?" He looked so serious.

"What's wrong?" I grew serious. My eyes showed no joking.

"You have a pure body. This is a very great but also, a very dangerous thing. A pure body means you can cultivate a lot faster then others. You are a prodigy at it. There's just a huge downside. A pure body can become unstable if one feeds it dark power. You have been cultivating with out caring and in most cases this wouldn't matter. Everyone is usually born with both and they can choose which path to go down, but only have one body type. You have to learn how to only cultivate pure power or you will certainly die.

This is also why it took you so long to stop shaking. The powers in your body almost grew rampant.

Now, I can purge the Dark Power but it will hurt so bad, that your bones will feel like they are shattering. You will be in unbearable pain, but your life will be saved."

I took all this information in and nodded.

"Thank you for this information. How long is the purge?" I asked.

"4 days."

4 days.....

"I must ask, why do you want to help me?" I was genuinely curious.

"You're not scared of me." He replied and gave a genuine smile.

I continued to look into his eyes for any lies but he seemed genuine.

"Okay, lets go to my courtyard first."

Before anyone could stop me, I put both feet on the ground and tried to stand. Expect they still had no strength and I fell forward. I outstretched my arms to grab anything and I did. The doctor man held out his arms and I basically fell right into his chest.

I upturned my head to meet his eyes.

"It seems I cannot stand."

Then I noticed surprise in his eyes.

I was about to say something else when my body was snatched up by icy boy. And Aden was picked up and put on a table. I was in ice boys arms and really I just wanted to go back to the doctors arms. His where less cold.

Still, I didn't express my words,
because for some reason, Ice boy looked pissed. I just laid in his arms while he took off to the sky's.

"Don't fall into others arms needlessly." I looked up at ice boy.

"Excuse you, I can do as I please."

Then he looked strait into my eyes.

"You will listen to me."

"No, I don't think I will. We are just friends. Friends don't tell friends what to do."

His eye brows knitted as he looked down at me.

"There are rules for being friends?"

I almost laughed.

"Yes, the simplest way I can put it is like this, treat your friends how you want to be treated. Simple. Others can go get shitted on, but friends are the once's you treat good."

He nodded like he understood.

"I've never heard this before, usually people just do what I tell them."

"That's because you scare them." I said plainly.

"Are you scared of me?" He looked like he really wanted to know.

"I wouldn't say I'm scared of you, but you are pretty terrifying with the power you possess."

"This is new for me." He said seriously.

"I know." I smiled. "Making friends is hard when people are scared of you, but being kind goes along way. If you want to at least have a normal conversation with someone, then be nice. I say this, because sometimes you can be a real shit stain."

He started to laugh and when I say I was star struck, I was. I had never seen this boy laugh and it made my jaw drop. I can't believe I made this guy laugh....

I blinked and just stared.

He looked down and noticed me just watching him in awe.

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