Chapter - 112 - Captured

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I moved a chair to this part and sat down.

The guy was shaking from the cold as he lay on the ground. He stared at me with massive killing intent.

"Mind telling me where I am?" I asked.


"Impossible," I said as I moved my body to a more comfortable position. "Where am I?"

He remained quiet.

"I could always torture you but I seriously don't feel like it. If you tell me now, I'll give you a short painless death."

"I'm going to die anyway."

I raised up and moved to touch him. I immediately started to heal him. Expect, I realized what he was talking about. There was poison inside of him. Impossible for me to remove with the knowledge I had now.

But I'd fake it.

"You mean that? You're healed."

He tried to move but I just pressed my hand into one of his pressure points. He screamed out bloody murder and stopped moving.

"Tell me before I start cutting off limbs," I said.

"You're a monster!" He yelled.

I blinked in shock and then immediately started to laugh.

"Me? I'm the monster? Do you not recall handing me up by my wrist and beating me with a whip to my wake me?!" I screamed. "Do you not recall shooting my friend with an arrow in cold blood?!" I screamed louder.

The man responded, "No one will believe you."

I started to laugh to myself.

"Where am I?" I asked again.


I cut him off as I stabbed his leg.

"Where am I?" I asked as he screamed.

"Go Fuck-"

I stabbed him again in the other leg.


I twisted the blade and started to stab him over and over again in different spots while I simultaneously kept healing him.

He screamed bloody murder as I continued to stab him over and over again.

Finally, after what seemed like forever. He cried out.

"You're on the Elf Island called Rudin!"

I stopped stabbing and stepped back.

"Are you stupid? Why would you set up base on the Elf Island?!" The only thing I knew about elves was that they hated humans. Hell, I had no idea how they felt about devils!

"I'm half-elf, I may be an outcast here, but it's still as close to a home I'll ever get!" He yelled.

And at that moment, I understood him. Truly tragic I had to kill him after this.

"How do I get off?" I asked.

"You can't, anyone can enter but no one can leave without expressed permission from the Elf God."

He wasn't lying. I could sense it. I tied him up and dragged him over to Aden who met me halfway.

"Feed him like the rest. I can't have him dying on me."

"Okay mistress."

Aden's hair was now in braids that I had done. They didn't look that good but at least his hair was out of his face.

"You want this thing to feed me?" The man scoffed.

"Scratch that, feed him after he apologizes to you," I said as I walked over to see the boys and little Tatiana.

The toddler was playing with blocks and the older boy looked much happier as he played with him. Tatiana was a dragon right now and laid quietly watching them. My heart filled with joy and I left my space very happy.

I started walking forward to reach anywhere. They couldn't kill me, so I really wondered what they would do to me.

About that time, an arrow was shot and many elves came out of the woods. They looked like humans except for their white hair, long tipped ears, crystal blue eyes, and very pale skin.

They started talking in English.

"What do we do with it?" One said.

"It's human, so kill it."

"Let me stop you right there," I said in English. "I'm a Devil, you literally can't-"

I was cut short by a sword coming out of my chest.

Immediately, I felt the taste of metal in my mouth and intense pain and nausea. Suddenly, my whole mind went blank and I blacked out.

I awoke later on some hard tiles. I pushed myself up and realized I was wearing very soft white clothes, and my ring was gone. Which meant I was female. I remembered what happened before I blacked out and knitted my brows. Mother fucker that hurt. I put my hand on my now healed chest and thought about how I would kill that person later.

Expect, my thoughts were cut short by a voice.

"So you're the devil?"

I quickly looked over and made eye contact with an elf that had a beautiful crown.

He excluded an aura of pure power.

"I don't trust your kind. Leave and never come back."

I stood up and bowed.

"I have one question, your grace. You wouldn't happen to have a fast travel pad would you?" I asked as I looked up.

"It's been broken for a long time." He said.

"I see...then how would you like me to leave?" I asked.

He remained quiet. Then he suddenly stood.

"You wouldn't happen to know another of your kind with green eyes would you?" He asked.

I blinked.

"I do your grace," I said.

"Do you have a way to get ahold of them?" He asked.

I nodded.

"If you can fix that teleport array with the Devil, I will reward you both with any request the Elf's can accomplish."

"Your grace, there wouldn't happen to some books on the subject would there?" I asked as I stood up straight.

"Mmmhm." He stood and walked down the stairs to stand in front of me. "Follow me."

The guards stared me down but I just followed as he said. As we left, servants stopped what they were doing to watch us closely. No one said a word but I could feel the tension around us.

In my mind, I wondered how old this Elf God was. I thought about asking but I decided it was best to just mind my own. The less we knew about each other the better.

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