Chapter - 46 - Dragon God

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"Why the hell would I know who you are?" I expressed.

"Of course a child like you wouldn't know." The man's eyes narrowed into slits.

At that moment, I wanted to yell back but I felt a force that shook fear into my bones.

'Kobe! Bow! Now!' I heard Ari yell in my brain.

I immediately listened and dropped to the ground. I didn't dare lookup.

I could feel the mountain shake with so much force that my bones shook. Then slowly the ground stopped and an overwhelming voice spoke out.

"Peasants, look up."

My mouth was dry as I peeked up.

My eyes grew wide at the sight in front of me. A massive dragon was at the top of the mountain. I was still at the 1st stage but I could see him clearly from where I was. One of his scales had to be the size of mine. His color was an ice blue that reflected the sun. He looked celestial and

Rain and Anastasia were nothing compared with this dragon.

My eyes were stuck to this dragon and I noticed his eyes were locked on mine.

I gulped.

What the hell was my luck?!

Was fate playing jokes on poor little me?!

"You." His voice was directed at me so I felt the full weight of his force.

"Your highness, this commoner is listening." I tried my best to use manners with this dragon. I had no respect for humans, but that did not mean it was the same for dragons.

"Do you speak English?" The dragon spoke out English and my eyes lighted up.

"Yes, my lord," I spoke out in English.

I felt a strong force come my way and my eyes closed. I opened them again to find another peerless male in front of me. Expect this man wasn't like the other men. He looked just like an Indian from the earth. His hair was even in a braid laying over his left shoulder. He wore ice blue clothing and looked at me like he was looking at a peasant.

"I am the God of the Dragons, Arhan. My son Rain spoke of you."


My eyes immediately grew wide as I looked up at Arhan.

"'re Rain's Father?!" My manners slipped as I looked up at him with pure shock.

The dragon smirked and held out his hand.

I grabbed it instantly and he helped me up.

"When I heard there was a transmigrated human and well, I just had to meet you."

My eyes blinked in shock.

"Your huge!" I exclaimed.

Arhan smiled and nodded.

"I became a God, so of course this would happen," Arhan said.

"Insane..." I shook my head.

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