Chapter - 129 - The Future

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"Whoa..." I said as I looked into his eyes.

He turned away embarrassed.

"I know they're freaky. I was blind in my past life." He said in English.

"I never said they were freaky. I think they're quite beautiful." I said as I took my hand away and turned away. Guess he was embarrassed.

I was unaware but he had turned his head around and looked at me with wide eyes and rosy cheeks.

Now that that's done...

I turned to the Siren God who was staring at me silently.

"Here." I took out a condensed bead. "If Orion shows up, break it. I will show up immediately." I said as I placed it in his hand.

His eyes grew.

"I've heard of them..." He said. "But, why are you doing this?"

I knew what he was referring to. Well, yea previously he did try to feed my pure energy to the Beast over there.

"A war is coming. All is forgiven." I paused as I turned away. "Don't forget," I turned my head to meet his eyes. "Try anything like that again though, and I'll replace you."

His body shrunk under my gaze.

I guess Sirens were only strong when it came to illusions. Though, every race was like this.

Elfs, for example, had the ability to control plants. Something no other race could do.

Dragons had amazing strength and intelligence. I suppose that's how they lasted through their almost destruction.

Humans were the only outliers. Humans could work on any special ability and make it very strong.

Even I, a Haven, had my special ability. Pure abilities and pure blood. Something so rare among humans that it really was considered an only human thing.

I smiled to give the Siren some comfort and left to the shore by myself. Now that this was done, I should go visit the other Beast God.

So much to do and so little time. I barely had time to even cultivate. Hell, as far as I was concerned. I had hit a standstill.

As I reached the shore, I looked out over the ocean. How were the Mermaids? Thinking of this made me think of Theon. What was he able to do with his Mermaid blood?

I closed my eyes as I smelled the ocean air.

"You've done a lot." I heard behind me.

I opened my eyes and turned my head.

Mei stood behind me.

"Mei..." I started to say, but I stopped.

She cocked her head in confusion as she walked toward me.

"Do you believe in a Creator?" I asked.

She turned away and hummed out loud.

"Well, I suppose so. You wouldn't lie about it. I just wonder...if he's so grand and powerful...why doesn't he at least help us stop it? You'd think a God like him would care enough to at least help out."

I smiled.

"Law of Nature," I said. "The absolute Law of the Universe. A law the Creator himself is under."

"Does that mean I was fated to meet you?" She asked.

I shook my head as I turned back to the ocean.

"I thought that as well, but I think I figured it out." I closed my eyes as I took in the ocean air. "No..." I opened my eyes and smiled. "He just knows who to use."

"What does that mean?" Mei asked.

I turned toward her.

"You'll figure it out," I said. "Now!" I clapped loudly. "Let's go to l back to the Elfs, I need to visit the Spirit's home."

"Are you going to heal the other Beast God?"

"Yep!" I said as I turned to the array that was farther down the beach.

"Wait!" I heard in the forest.

I turned to see Panda running through the forest.

"I can't..." He tripped and started the roll.

I reached out my hand like that was gonna save him.

He stopped rolling as I walked over and looked down at him.

He opened his eyes and met mine.

"Wanna take my hand now?" I asked.

He smiled with dirt all over his face.

"Yea!" He grasped onto my hand as I pulled him up.

Behind him came Amos.

He seemed happy. Though, maybe it was because Mei was happy. After all, once a Beast was contracted with their owners, their emotions connected with their owners.

I turned away and started to walk to the platform.

"Can I come with you?" Panda asked loudly.

I turned my head.

"Depends..." I said as I moved my hair away from my face. "Are you willing to participate in war?"

"Absolutely!" He yelled back.

I smiled brightly.

"Then come on!" I said as u turned back to the platform.

After I visit the Spirits, I need to visit the Dwarfs. After that, Dragons, Nymphs, and maybe the fairies. I'm not sure if I know where they're located though...who knows...will the pixies find me? Though...don't the Pixies and Spirits intermingle?

So many unknowns.

This human God has had years to prepare for this. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if he was ready to take out every race simultaneously.

I really needed to go find a way to at least stop the absolute total destruction of each race.

Which, to be honest, I wasn't sure I could pull off.

In any case, I couldn't think about that now, I needed to warn the races in person. I doubt they would believe letters, but if I tell them in person, I think they'll be more inclined to listen.

By the time I was done thinking about all of this, we had teleported back to Elf Island.

The Elfs turned their heads and gasped as they saw the men behind us.

"Kobe." I heard behind me.

I turned my head.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I didn't get to ask before, but how are you so proficient in the light Element?" Amos asked.

"My master," I said. "He had researched the light Element for years so when I came along he was able to teach me everything he knew. Though I'm sure theirs still much to learn. Why?"

Kobe the Beast Tamer Where stories live. Discover now