Chapter - 106 - Liberties are Taken

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I looked up to see an Amazon woman walking forward.

The Amazons were here? 

"I like his smell!" The 'bird' yelled as it stuck its face further in my clothing.

I reached down to try and pry its hands off of me to be immeditally surrounded by swords.

"Don't touch that bird!" I heard ahead of me.

I looked back up to see none other than Tiv and the Queen of the Amazons Freya.

"Freya, please remove this bird," I said as I pointed down at the child.

Immeditally, all the Amazons around me looked horrified by how I called their queen.

"It's been a while Phantom." She said as she walked closer and motioned her hand.

Immeditally the swords fell.

"Muchi, let go of him now."

At her words, the bird let go with a sad face.

I patted out the wrinkles on my clothing when I saw the queen getting closer and closer.

I looked up to see her very close to me. She was just a few inches from me.


I was caught short by her grabbing my face and kissing my lips.

I immeditally backed away horrified.

"Freya, what the actual fuck?! You can't just kiss someone without asking them first!"

"Plums! That's what that smell is!" She exclaimed as she looked at me.

Immeditally, the Amazons lost their shit. Tiv especially.

"Y-you kissed her!" She yelled as she blamed me for her queen's conduct.

I could feel a vein pop out of my forehead as everyone around me started yelling. I couldn't stand it anymore and yelled.


It was loud and filled with power.

Immediately, everyone shut up.

"Don't ever do that again Freya or I will cut off all contact with you. I don't like to hurt females but that doesn't mean I won't if liberties are taken against me."

My anger was apparent and it really made Freya realize what she did. She wanted to speak but I was too pissed to hear it. She wasn't my first kiss, but being touched without my consent, made me think about what that disgusting man did to me.

I stepped past everyone and straight into the war room.

It had a big map on a table with figures used to represent the army. I ran my finger across the map as everyone came in behind me.

I was ready to drop the previous matter but Freya was not.

"I'm sorry I did that." I heard behind me.

I turned to see actual tears coming out of her eyes but no sympathy was shown on my face.

"You should be the one apologizing for making my queen cry!" Yelled Tiv next to her. "You're a man! You must have enjoyed it."

My anger immediately boiled over.

I stepped forward and slapped Tiv across the face.

She was shocked as she looked up at me.

"If I had kissed you without asking what would you feel for me? Disgust? Most likely. It goes both ways. Men are no different from women when it comes to these things, we are just told to like it."

Immediately, the room was full of silence. Even Freya stopped crying as she looked at me.

"Now, forget this matter, I'm here for this war. Bring this up again and I'm leaving."

I turned on my heels and sat down in a chair.

I listened to what JunWei had to say but really, I didn't want to be around anyone. After the day ended, I left and retired to my room.

As I laid in bed that night, I hoped Xuan JuanLin , aka Valintino, was fine. He said he would come back for me but after today...I just wanted him to be here.

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of young girls outside of my room.

I walked outside, after getting ready, to see 4 young girls, all in Amazon clothing, surrounding something. Curious, I walked forward.

One girl sent out a kick and I heard it hit something. A person?

I walked right up on them when I noticed a girl laying on the ground all black and bruised.

"Bullying a fellow Amazon. How revolting."

Immediately, the 4 girls jumped back. I memorized their faces for later.

"Now, how would your queen feel knowing you've done this?" I asked them.

One started to laugh,

"She's not going to believe you! You're a man!" One said loudly.

"Not to mention, that." One pointed at the girl.

I looked down to see her body healing itself. A light elemental.

"You all stay there," I said as I raised my hand. They tried to flee.

I used water and froze it around their feet.

Immediately, they started to scream.

A good thing to, I wanted the other Amazon's to know what was going on.

I bent down to make sure she was alright. She was starting to wake up from her unconsciousness. I placed my hand around her wrist and knitted my brows. Her ribs were growing back, it seems they had actually brought her very close to death.

She looked up at me when she opened her eyes and tears immediately started to fall out of them.

"You thought they had actually killed you didn't you?" I asked quietly.

She nodded.

"They won't ever touch you again," I said as I stood.

Amazons started coming into the area of my room was in.

"Help! This mans crazy! He wants to kill us!" One girl yelled.

"That is true," I said right behind her.

She immediately grew pale and limp.

"But I won't, no I'll leave that for your queen," I said.

"Go and get your queen," I said to Tiv as she ran in. "She'll want to know what these revolting girls did to that little girl."

I said as I pointed at the now healed girl who stood up.

I turned my head to see her looking terrified.

"Did she come to you saying something? These girls haven't-"

Before Tiv could say any more, I put up my hand.

"Stop, go and get your queen before I get pissed at you," I said.

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