chapter 52-Harry's Back! -Smut

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Harry's POV

When I saw Calum and Luke in Niall's car waiting outside of the police station, I smiled immediately.. There was no need to think.. I just wanna run to the car.. I said my goodbye to Louis, hugged him, he was worried about me, but I just shrugged.. I knew Niall wouldn't do anything to hurt me..

I opened the back door of the Niall's car, when I got in, I noticed Chris and his cop buddies saw me getting in the car, they all started to run inside.. They noticed that Niall want me and get me back.. as well.. I was in mission again? Oh God!.. I didn't wanna do a thing if that is not related to bomb millions.. NOO f.cking way!

Luke drove us away immediately.. I thought.. "Wait me Niall.. I am coming..." Calum and Luke wasn't talking a bit.. They were so quiet the whole way.. Except for the phone talking to Niall.. They gave report to him and told him that they got me and we were coming..

They both gave me death stares once a while.. They acted like I killed their puppy or something.. and they had every right to act like that, I was so ashamed.. I just looked outside or my lap, somewhere except their faces.. They were shaking their heads in disbelief..

Probably, they wanna say lots of things to me out loud, cursed to me, even punch me in the face.. But..I was the boyfriend of their boss so they were holding themselves.. But it was too hard for them, and it was so damn obvious..

After that disturbingly silent ride, we finally arrive to the mansion.. I was so nervous.. I didn't know what was expecting me.. I knew Niall wouldn't kill me or shot me.. If he wanna do that, he could do that so long time ago.. I knew he wanted me by his side.. I just didn't know the terms.. 

I didn't know how he would act.. Was he so pissed off? Was he normal? Would he put some more rules? What was I supposed to do? I was so anxious.. I decided to just stand still.. If he asked me something, I would answer if I could.. Other than that, I wouldn't speak..

When I was living at the mansion,I learned that a long time ago.. If you see Niall angry, you should just shut up.. Or things would get worse.. You should just wait him to calm down.. Even if it took days, then you could say whatever you wanna say..

Probably we wouldn't talk for days.. Couldn't be sure though! He could burst out and started to shout at me or wanted from Zayn to interrogate me or something.. I didn't know.. Aghh... Waiting was killing me.. but I was also nervous.. So I wanted Calum and Luke to be hurry up.. and at the same wanted them to slow down..

Hank was waiting at the outside of the mansion. He also gave me a death stare.. When I was leaving the mansion, he was at the outside as usual, protecting the ones inside as our bodyguard.. I thought to tell him that I need to go to do something job-related, and Niall wanted me to be back to the mansion by 11am.. So even if he got an order to not release me,he had to release me, because I told him that I would be back by 11am, before the meeting hour..

But stupid me, didn't think about the time. It was 4am. and I never go work at that hour and of course Hank noticed that, so I had to punch him and then hit him with a stick. He fainted and I tied him up to the backside of the mansion..  So he also hated me right now.. 

After lots of death stares and head shakings, Hank finally opened the door for us. We went inside.. Niall, Zayn, Paul were waiting inside.. They all crossed their arms in their chests. They all had a sad, dissappointed faces and again.. death stares.. Oh God.. Someone please kill me already..

For a minute, nobody talked, there was silence in the room.. Niall and I were staring at each other.. Nowhere else.. He was just looking at me, even when he started to speak to Luke, he didn't stop looking at me. And I didn't stop looking at him.. That was kinda weird.. but I liked it..

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