chapter 64- Flores Jr.'s Purpose

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Flores Jr's POV

When I heard about the bust to our mafia, I was kinda happy? Yeahh.. You heard it right.. happy..

The problem is.. my father Luis Huero Buff Flores didn't like me.. like at all.. Since I was little, he always found something wrong in my actions, always found a reason to yell at me, to humiliate me, to slap me, to beat me up...I was never a good son to him.. never able to make him happy..

But I was done trying!!!!..

I did everything that I can think of.. to make my father happy.. to make him proud of me.. but nothing changed his mind about me.. for years now.. I was always the disgrace of the family.. according to him..

After a while, I got used to it.. to be avoided or to be treated badly by my father... I accepted the fact that my father never gonna love me, and appreciate what I do for myself.. or for himself.. or for the mafia..

But I always thought that it was his character.. He was a cold hearted, serious man.. He never trusted anyone.. or appreciate anyone.. I didn't even see him smiling to me.. not at once.. He didn't attend to anywhere - or any occasion that was important to me..


Then, my father went in prison years ago, and met a guy there called Rene 'Boxer' Enriquez.. My father tested Enriquez in prison many times. Enriquez did whatever he said without questioning and without complications.They spent years inside together..

When he was in prison, I tried to look after our work.. with some of his best men..I worked so hard.. I visited him several times.. He acted like "why the hell are you even here", and didn't care my being there a bit.. So I went to visit him less.. and this time, he got angry and asked why I wasn't visiting him and such..

When he got out of prison, I thought.. This could change things between us.. I grew, changed.. I became more mature.. Maybe he would like me.. But No.. Nothing changed.. I cared about my father a lot.. and not seeing his attention on me.. his not liking me.. was so frustrating..

The aim of my whole f.cking life was about pleasing him.. trying to make him happy, proud of me.. I kept trying and trying..

Then, one day I noticed that my father was smiling to that Enriquez guy! then he made compliment to the job he did.. He patted his back and said "Well done son! I knew I can trust you on that issue".. WTF WAS THAT?!! He never say things like that to me.. like.. ever...

And after that day, I paid attention to them, Enriquez became my father's right hand.. They went everywhere together.. My father introduced him to everyone.. and while introducing he added "He was like a son to me" .. That was the final drop!

He didn't love.. even like.. his only son.. me.. but HIM!.. He never make any conversations with me.. But he kept treating a guy like he was his son, he loved him, appreciated his work and everything.. He treated him the way that I wanted him to treat me since I was a child.. And it wasn't fair!!!!...

I was so jealous.. The anger boiled inside me for days.. My father was getting older and older every year.. and he became more softer than before.. Everybody thought he could die anytime.. He was using heroin as well.. It was not good..

And that Enriquez guy was doing all the work these day.. Like he was the boss.. He started to control everything and everyone.. just not me.. Good!!.. Everybody started to treat him like he would be the next leader.. But it was my right!!!

My father didn't care about me, didn't give me any mission.. But.. He trusted Enriquez..Because of his trust, all of the mafia members trusted Enriquez as well, but not me!..

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now