chapter 69- Tears.. Don't!!!

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Harry's POV

I noticed that José really liked me in a weird, a little psycho way.. He kept looking me, staring at me. When I was nice to him, he was nice to me and the ones around us.. He was so happy. When I wasn't nice to him, he just went mad and shit..

I thought I misinterpreted him.. We just met, he couldn't love me that much,right? He just wanted to me and probably want information from me thats all..

He had like this two personality.. One of them was a soft hearted guy, nice to everyone, etc. and the other one was a psycho who had mood swings, he could do anything.. he could yell, punch,slap anyone anywhere.. I didn't think even his right hand man was safe by his side..

When we got closed to his mansion, José wanted to blind folded me again.. But, I could be put in a room with no windows.. I planned to try to get rid of José and escape, if I couldn't escape, I would call Niall and ask help.. If I had no clue where I was, how could I describe him where I was..

I should see the around.. What was next to the mansion? A flowerist? A market? A park?

So.. When José was about to put the cloth on my eyes, "Do you have to do that, José?" I said in my cute tone.. Yeah I had a cute tone.. Niall told me that he couldn't resist my tone which I used to convince him to something.. He called it 'cute tone'.. So I thought I could use my that tone..

"I hate dark.." I added in the same tone.. How old was I to be scared by dark? But.. I couldn't come up with any other thing.. I tried to seem sad and convincing.. Say OK.. Say OK.. PLEASE.. Say OK....

José thought about it a little and said "OK", so I smiled to him as a 'Thanks', and he smiled to me as well.. Ughh..

After almost 5 min., Ricardo opened the door of the van and we all stepped outside.. I started to look at the mansion and memorise it to describe it to Niall later. It wasn't that huge as a mansion, it was dark grey with with black roof. It kinda seem depressive..

When I was checking the mansion, I noticed José was watching me, so I said "woaaahh" like I was just looking because of admiration.. Then Ricardo started to push me.. I didn't even look around yet, so I panicked

Then Ricardo went José's side to ask him a question he dragged me with himself. I heard him saying "What u want us to do to these two girls and this cop?.

I didn't care what they were talking, I was behind him so I had a chance to look around. When I looked, I saw a little garden, and a cafe named "Fred's Mexican Cafe" and I saw a writing "Bazaar de Mundo". I could just see these, nothing more. I saw those not because they were so close to the mansion but had large signs.. The mansion wasn't on the street but inside somewhere. So I couldn't see exactly what else were around us.

Then I jumped with a sudden outburst "HARRY!" José said. I thought he caught me checking around and got angry again.. I was scared but he continued "You will call him Harry, Not a cop!" OHH..He was talking to Ricardo.. I sighed.. GOD! This man got angry so easily..

"And.. I want you to put Harry to the corner room.. at the right end of the hall.. And about the girls.. I just don't care what happens to them actually.. But put them to the rooms next to Harry. I will be just behind you!" José said. Zayn's sisters will be next to the room that I was in. Good to know that..

Then before I knew what was happening, I found myself on the shoulder's of Ricardo. That wasn't funny. He started to carry me inside the mansion, "Heyy Let me walk! I can walk!" I said and tried to punch his back with my tied hands.. He was huge, so he didn't even probably notice my punchs.

Then another man came running after us. "Stop moving! I said stop moving!" he was saying, but I didn't. When we came in front of the room, Ricardo put me down and I relieved. I was finally on my foot again. And before I knew what was going on, the other guy punched me.

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now