Chapter 116- ENOUGHHHH!

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Harry's POV

I was trying to convince Niall to turn back, and finally I achieved. I told him I will marry him, and I was so serious about it.. 

There was a term.. a saying.. like "You appreciate the value of something-someone, when you about to lose it-him/her most." 

I felt like I will lose Niall forever. never be able to see him again.. and that's the last thing to happen in my life.. This made me question myself more..

What do I want?
*I want a life with Niall. I want to live the rest of my life with him 5 days -5 years. not matter. Just to spend my time with him..
*I want to go to picnics,amusement parks, ice-skating, ok maybe not ice-skating.. I don't want to break more bones of Niall. 

I noticed all my plans about future, includes Niall, and I feel like I couldn't even breath without him.. So.. Yeah.. I would be with him.. till I gave my last breath.. 

And I guessed telling Niall that would have an impact on Niall. and yesssss. It worked. But when he was about to do that, I heard some gun noices. my luck!

"I will come -gun voices- back to you -gun voices- no matter what.." Niall said, and then I heard a voice like Ughh Aghhh.. Something happened to him!! He got shot??? 

"Niall? Nialll? Niall??" I was saying, a loud brake voice was heard. I turned my head to the voice and I saw Zayn yelling at me inside from the car "Are you gonna stand there all day?! Or come with me to save Niall,huh?!" he said. I gotta admit 'that was cool', it was like a scene from a james bond movie or something.

Louis, Ashton, Josh and I looked at each other, I took Louis's guns from Patrick, gave them to Louis and Ashton back, I took my guns from cupboard, then we all ran to the car that Zayn was in. 

"I have just 1 gun on me." Josh was yelling while we were running. He was about to turn back to the mansion, and we heard Zayn's loud voice again. He was like roaring. "WE HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS. GET IN NOW. OR STAY BACK!!!" he said. Josh got in the car immediately.  without a word. 

"Hank, Patrick, you stay here. Don't open the doors to anyone except the ones who lives here" Zayn shouted, "OK, Boss" Hank shouted back and opened the gate for us. Zayn started to make speed as soon as we got out.. He was driving like maniacs.

After Niall's Ughh,Aghh kinda voice- like he got hurt, his voice gone.
"Niall? Niall? Are you there? Niall?- weird phone voices-silence-" 

I called him again, and now noone was picking up, but it was still ringing at first. So I thought 'He got unconscious? He got shot too bad?'- Then his phone started to not even ring, so I thought 'His phone battery dead? His phone was broken?' 

I HAD NO IDEA. That made me panicked. Because we were half hour-way  away from him at least. WE WOULD BE TOO LATE.. 

When we arrived, we could found him.. him.. de.. not want to say it.. but.. Dead! At it would be all my fault..

We would be too late.. We would be too lateeee!!!..

An image kept coming to my head..
Niall's body was pale.. He was lying on the ground.. There were lots of everywhere.. his eyes were wide open.. sad expression on his face.. and there were too many bullets at his chest and legs everywhere..

F . C K !!!!!  

I told others that I couldn't reach Niall, and they become more panicked, too.
We were talking at the back with Louis and Ashton.
They started to tell me things about their suspicions, what they learned from records in detail. But I wasn't listening them, I was in panicked mode. 

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt