chapter 32- Niall's Reaction

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Harry's POV

Louis managed to escape and Niall was ok. These were enough for me. I wasn't care about myself so much. I knew they will blame me. Luke and I was lying on the ground there was blood everywhere.

Calum came. He was running towards Luke with worried eyes. He kept kissing him and asking him "Are u ok? Are u ok?" Then he said "Oh God I was so scared". I chuckled to them.

Then I stood up so slowly.. My head was spinning and I saw an angry Zayn standing right in front of me. That was not good.. Shiiiiittttttttttt......


Zayn started yelling at my face. He was inches away. He just got so close. He kept yelling and yelling but his voice was like a buzzing to me. My head was really spinning.

"How the hell can't you shot that damn cop?" , "I don't believe it", "How could you?" ~ Zayn was saying, everybody was gathering. They were all silent, listening Zayn. He was just so angry.

"I got shot from my damn arm Zayn. Luke couldn't shoot him as well." I said with my head down. That was so humiliating. Everybody was looking at me.

The other mob had already gone. Thank God, their leader was ok as well. Otherwise his men could kill ours , just for revenge. Things could go messier than now.

Zayn tear up my shirt to look at the gun shot and "You could shot that cop even with that, I don't buy it" he said with a whisper. I was scared now a little.

Zayn started to push me from my chest. I was getting back and back. Then we heard a noise and someone's saying "ZAYYYNNNNNNN!!!!", we didn't need to turn back to see who he was. He was Niall.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE. HE EQUALS ME. NOONE. NOONE CAN TREAT HIM LIKE THAT." Niall yelled.Now Zayn was looking to the ground with his head down. "DO YOU ALL UNDERSTAND THAT?" Niall said. Everybody nodded and started whispering among each other.

He was like a prince with a white horse or a cavalier, something like that. He saved me from the situation. I was so glad and thankful to him.. Then he turned me,

"HARRY! INSIDE! NOW!" Niall said. I was leaning to one of the tables to be able to stand up. So I walked like I was limping and get inside. It was hard to keep my balance, my head was spinning. I just went inside but didn't left the first floor. I wonder what Niall was gonna say to others. Niall saw me waiting and give me a "just-sit-there-and-wait-for-me" sign. I nodded.

"It was an unfortunate event. We don't know how the cops learned this, but that wasn't the issue right now. The other mob's leader was ok and we talked. The aggreement between us still valid. They are not a treat to us anymore. We succeed it. Now I want you all to leave here." Niall said.

"But everywhere is a mess,boss" someone said. "The ones who don't have work tomorrow, can come back to here tomorrow and we can clean everywhere together. That was a long day, you all got tired. I don't want you to deal with that stupid things right now. Just go your home." Niall said.

Everyone smiled to that. Their boss was really thoughtful and thinking about them. "Thanks boss" , "Ok. Thank you boss" The mob members said in union. After that, "The ones who didn't get hurt, help the ones who got hurt. We are a family. Don't forget that. We should help each other. Calum, you take Luke, Zayn you take Liam." Niall said. Then turned to the crowd and said "If something is up, if you had any problem today, tell it to Zayn, he will solve it or let me know,Ok? Now.. Dismissed. GO HOME" Niall said. "Yeyyy", "Ok", "Goodbye boss", "Thank you boss" They all said and left..

I was worried as hell. Niall was thoughtful. He probably didn't wanna embarras his boyfriend in front of everyone, it was a bad image for him as well.. but they all gone now.. He could yell or do something worse to me now.. I just sat there and wait.. I prepared myself to be shout and yelled..

Niall walked in the mansion. He was getting closer. I was looking to the ground. He left my chin up and looked straight in to my eyes. "Are you ok?" he said. There was affection and compassion in his eyes, not anger.. I relieved and nodded.

He lifted me from the chair and carried me bridal style to our room. While he was carrying me, he kissed me from my forehead and my head multiple times. Then he lied me down to our bed. I tried to put my arm out of the bed. "What are u trying to do?" Niall said. "I don't want any blood on our bed" I said. He chuckled a little. He got two towels from our bathroom and put them under my arm.

He was looking at me admiringly.. He was playing with my curls and brushing my hair.. He was sad.. "Don't.. ever.. do.. that.. again?" he said finally.. He was sad and quite..There were tears in his eyes. Shittt.... I thought he think the same thing with Zayn and tell me that right now and gave me warning or something.

I acted like I don't know what he was talking about. "What?" I said. "Don't ever jump in front of me again!" Niall said. He was looking straight to my eyes.. "Don't ever do that again!" he said and kissed me. I smiled a little. "I can't promise about that" I said.

Niall got closer.. "Look! I'm serious here.. Thank you for saving me Harry.. You don't have to do it... I .. I.. am thankful.. But.. Don't do that again, ok? I could die and that was ok, but I couldn't live with thinking that I cause your death.. I don't want that.. I don't want you to do that ever again.. You are so important to me. Do you understand that?" Niall said. Now I had tears in my eyes as well. Jesusss I am so in love with him.. I just nodded and hugged him with one arm. We kissed a little..

There was an awkward silence in the room. We were both thankful that we were both ok. Then Niall called Paul and Paul bring a guy named Daryl. I learned that he was a Vet but he was also the doctor of this mob. Daryl was checking everyone and it was my turn. He just cleaned the wound and stitched it up then put on a bandage. We thanked him. Actually I could do all to myself. But I didn't say anything to them about it.

After Daryl went, Niall and I was alone in the room. There were blood on my clothes and my body. and on my hair. Niall was also in blood because of me. "I should take a bath" I said with showing the blood. "I should help you with that" Niall said with showing his own clothes. He was smirking.

We took the bloody towels and sheets with us to the bathroom. We throw them into the laundry basket. Niall wanted me to not move and started to unbottoned my shirt. I was just staring at him. He was so nice. I started to brush his hair. I like my fingers in his hair. He looked at me smiling.. I kissed him and he kissed me back. They were nice and soft kisses. As if he was afraid of breaking me into pieces, as if I am fragile..

Niall continued to undressed me. He open my zipper, took of my pants, then my boxers. I was totally naked and he was full in clothes now.. I bite my bottom lip. Why I was turn on now? He was so hotttt and so damn thoughtful.. so kind..

He was trying to put my clothes to the laundry basket as well. I turned him and kissed him again, he kissed me back. "You are here to help me bathing, did u forget that love?" I said and tried to unbottoned his shirt with my one hand. He smirk at me "How can I forget something like that babe" Niall said and help to unbottoned his shirt. He pulled his pants and boxers down.

We went in to the bathtub. We washed all the blood. For a moment, we were in a red river. Niall sighed sadly.. He was looking at the bloody water, I lifted his chin up and kissed him, he kissed me back. We had a long breathtaking kiss. Then we take a step back to breath and he said "God,I love u" and "I love u too babe" I said immediately.. this time I didn't need any time to think.. I love him.. We kissed again and again.. We were both afraid to lose each other today. We were still afraid actually.. Then he hugged me and I hugged him as well. We stayed like that for at least 5 minutes..under the water.. I couldn't stop but cried, probably Niall also cried.. We both didn't want the other to see it. So we couldn't break the hugging in a second..

After those intense moments, Niall put body lotion on me and himself. We started to touch each others bodies. I remembered our sex in this bathtub. That was so sexy. "I would like to do that here again u know?" I said with a smirk. "Yeah. I was thinking about the same thing too but we can't do that right now honey..You got hurt and it is slippery here. I will eat u up outside. Promise" Niall said with a wink. "Let's finish this bathing thing really quick then" I said and leaned to him "I want u" I whispered to his ear.. Niall groaned and said "I want u more.. I need u.."

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now