Chapter 110- Goodbye Gift

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Rick's POV

-"You are in this with me,Rick. Aren't you? We are killing Niall Horan and Harry Styles tomorrow. Ok?!" Brad said, I was so done with this shit, I didn't wanna kill any people anymore.. but I didn't want to go to jail,too. Even Jails could be a good end for me..for us.. I would be dead 99%,  if the things we did, will come out.. So.. after a few seconds I said "Ok.." to Brad. 

It would be last killings.. Then I will quit this job, or move to another city, or another country, I'll be out.. I'll be free..

But HOW?!! Ughh..
I saw a cheap motel, I got into there. I kept changing the place I was staying in these days, because I became a little paranoid about being followed or found by mob. A bag is enough to all I got, all the things I have I mean.. and I am keeping them in my car. So moving wouldn't be much problem.

When I got into my new place, I opened my laptop, I made the arrangements, I put my headphones, I was ready to find a thing.. anything.. I heard Niall's and his 2nd hand Zayn's emotional talk about how worried Zayn was, then I learned that Calum woke up, it is a good news.. 

Whaaattt? I didn't want the guy to be dead, I just didn't want him to stop me before I search the mansion. Now I searched it anyway. 1 less dead people in my list.. 

Then I started to listen the table that Niall sat with American-Italian Mafia leader Al Capone. I heard all drug selling-buying stuff that they did.  God! They thought I was there because of drugs, and trying to get rid of them. I didn't care these much at first. Because they arrange these kinda big amount drug selling/buying related in days. They don't do it a day later. and I didn't have daysssssss! But.. 

They arranged a meeting to tomorrow. Tomorrow! I wasn't that unlucky afterall, huh? This was good. I learned the place and time. I called Brad and gave the news to him. I could even see his evil smile from the other end of the phone.

Then "Rick, you still have mob's phone? the one Liam guy gave to you?" Brad asked, "Yeaahh?..Why?" I said. "Do you have Harry's number in it?" he asked this time, "Yeahh?.. What is going on? Why you asking these?" I said. 

"Harry is grounded, he isn't getting out of the mansion, did you forget? If he won't come out of the mansion tomorrow, how we will shoot him, dumbass?!!! Call him, say him that you couldn't find bombing-bridge plans, and that Niall hired American-Italian mob members to do the bombing thing, and they all are gonna meet, tomorrow morning, to handle details. And say this we need him there, too" Brad answered. "Ughh..Oo..ookk" I could just say and Brad hang up the phone.

I called Harry like Brad wanted, but not right after our talk. First I waited for a while, he could be next to Niall, then I became sure that Niall was with Zayn in study room again, and it was almost midnight. That time, I decided to do the call..

I was doubtful about this call actually, not good at lying much, din't know what to say.. But somehow Harry already thought that this meeting was about bombing-bridge thing, not only drugs. He said there was something going on, and they made a plan. So I told him about the bugs I placed, and told him that I heard all the plan, and told him exactly whatever Brad wanted from me to tell him.

"So.. American-Italian mafia will do the bombing thing with Niall's order,huh?" he said with half- shocked, half-expecting this kinda thing mode. "Yeah. Tomorrow we got them all, be there and help us, ok? Lets end this shit. Close the case. Together." I said in a motivating voice. "Yeahh.. Yeah. Ok. I will" he said, and we hang up. 

Harry's POV

I had so many question marks about Niall's behaviour in recent days. He wasn't looking at me in the eye. He was hiding some things from me. He was acting weird, escaping from me.. After the things what happened in his study room, we kinda turned back to normal, but my stalling him for Rick, made it all go away. Now our relationship will be worse than before.

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant