chapter 58-Niall's kitchen fantasy -smut

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Harry's POV

When I woke up the next morning, Niall wasn't in the room again.. I remembered the night, Niall's teasing me.. wanted me to say.. "I am his" over and over again.. He was really sad and devastated because of my leaving the mansion.. He really didn't wanna lose me ever again.. God he was so adorable.. These all made me smile a little..

Not seeing Niall in the room wasn't a surprise to me, he always got up early, went work.. And because I was not working anymore, Niall took my alarm clock and hide it somewhere.. So I couldn't get up early in the mornings anymore..

Niall made clear that I wouldn't work for him anymore.. At least for a while.. I would be just his boyfriend and stayed at the mansion.. It was so strange.. I felt myself like a housewife who waits his husband to come back from work to home, or a geisha. or a .. a .. sex slave type of person..

Sex slave? OMG.. I was kinda like that now, wasn't I? I was just staying at home whole day, just waiting Niall and when he came, we just have sex.. doing nothing else.. not even talking.. Jesuss... for a man that was sooooooo f.cking strange.. especially for a man like me.. I got used to being in war zones and shiitttt, not sitting in a room whole day..

If he wanted me stay in a room all day, he should at least gave me a computer, a game, a movie or something.. But he didn't trust anything related to a computer or technological devices.. I sighed.. Maybe I could try to watch television..again.. with all the stares of the mob members on my back..

I groaned with annoyance.. I decided to stay in bed a little more.. Then I gave up and got out of the bed.. I went into the bathroom and took a hot shower.. Then I decided to wear some casual clothes, I wasn't working anyway, why would I wear a suit.. So.. I found Niall's grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt, I wore them.. Then I went to the kitchen, I was so hungry.. "Your breakfast will be ready in a sec. Harry" Paul said to me. "Ok" I said, but didn't move, didn't leave the kitchen..

Paul looked at me with questioning eyes.. I should try to make things between Paul and me.. less awkward.. So I started to talk with him.. asked stupid questions.. just to make a conversation.. I was trying so hard, probably he noticed and shook his head to me..

"Whaaatttt? What Paul? I am bored. I was in a small room.. Alone.. Can't we even talk?" I said to him.. He seemed to soften a bit.. "Yeah, we can" He said. I smiled to that. I asked questions about what were they gonna do for lunch and dinner.. He started to explain the menu to me.. He was so quite if we were not talking about 'food'. He was like Niall's older version.. in this subject.. food,food,food.. I chuckled to that..

I didn't realise that there were so many people involved in this kitchen thing.. Some people went to the shopping.. Some just cut things, some doing wahing the dishes, they all have a role.. I thought if I wanted to talk with Paul, helping him out could work.. And Niall could see that I am trying to get back to our-normal-selves.. That was a good idea.. Yeahh... "I wanna join and help to you. May I?" I said. Paul raised his eyebrows at me.. "Whatt?? You can search me if u want, I had no poison on me Paul !!!" I said..

That wasn't the best joke.. and probably I shouldn't have said that.. but I did.. and he tensed up a little bit.. Then he left the kitchen for a moment.. But he put a member of the mob next to me, to control me..When he came back, he said that I could help them to cook.. Did he just call Niall? to ask this? I couldn't be sure and didn't care a bit..

We made rice, meatballs, chips, greek salad.. That was fun.. Paul was just right next to me the whole time.. He was full alert at first, then relaxed a little..

We decided to make a cheesecake as a dessert. I didn't get a thing about kitchen so I did whatever Paul and the chefs wanted me to do. First they wanted me to crush the biscuits with a rolling pin, stir through the melted butter. One of the chefs beat the soft cheese until it became creamy, then we added sugar, flour and.. what was that? salt? what the heck? I didn't know that. There was salt in it.. hmm that was interesting..

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