chapter 18- Getting in the Mansion

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This day become so longer than I predicted.. Sorry about that.. But this day is the foundation of their relationship. Hope u enjoy it ! xx

Same day,

Niall's POV- Part 3

While I was talking to the people of my gang, I was checking my watch.. like so often.. Harry said he will be done probably around at 6pm..Last time when I checked it, it was 5.30, before that it was 5.25.. God.. Time is passing so slowly... I tried to stop checking and talked to someone..So I checked my watch again after a long pause, it felt like hours.. and it was 5.55.. finally.. I couldn't wait anymore.. so I decided to call him and ask what is the situation, where he was?

I got seperated from the people and went to the corner of the room. I called Haryy, he answered immediately,"Yeah, Niall?" He said. That angelic voice... I melted..

"Where are you? Are you done?" I asked. Harry waited like a minute before answering, so I thought Did he forget? Did he regret what happened yesterday? Didn't he want to come to the mansion? , my thoughts were interrupted by his cute voice, "No, I have 2 more things to be done. Why? If you need me, I can postpone them to tomorrow and come right away" he said.

Ohh ok, he didn't forget, he wants to come to the mansion.. That's an enough answer for me.. So.. "No,no. Just finished your job and then come here ASAP " I said. "Ohh Ok." he said.


Harry was outside the mansion almost an hour later. He asked to our bodyguard, Hank "What is going on? Is Niall ok?". Then Hank said "Nothing is going on. Calm down boy." We heard their little conversation inside, started chuckling.. He had no clue about what was going on..

"Get away! You know nothing. There is something definitely going on inside. Pray to God- Niall is ok in there! Or else.." he said.There was an argument or a little fighting outside.

He rushed in to the mansion to find someone hurt or in trouble..While he was going in, "Are you ok Niaaalllll? Where are you?" he said. He reminded me Zayn.. He acted like this way this morning. I really shoul be careful about my word choices, using the word "ASAP" means, I got people scared. I noted that one to my mind..

When he opened the door, he saw all other members of the gang, they were all standing and smiling at him or at us.. I chuckled. "I am ok Harry. Thanks for coming as soon as possible" I said.

Harry was still in shock. He didn't understand why was he here with all these people. He was still trying to comprehend what is going on. "What are you guys doing in here all?" he said finally. My gang still kept smiling. They didn't say anything. They all know that is a surprise and they all looked at me.

I was so curious and I admit it.. very very nervous.. about his reaction.. I have still the same question in my mind. What if he doesn't want to do anything with me? and hate the idea? But he didn't say anything like that. Waiting was killing me..

So when my people looked at me, I nodded to them, gave them a signal that means they can reveal what is behind them. I didn't wanna wait anymore.. I wanna see his reaction.. Good or Bad..

Then 3-4 of my men moved away a little to let him see the dinner table. He was so shocked at first, then like surprised, he walked to the table slowly with wide eyes.. He touched some red rose petals on the table.. He smiled widely.. YESSSS.. He smiled..

He looked at straight in my eyes, his green eyes were cloudy again. But this time.. it was different.. These are from happiness. OMG.. He liked it a lot.. He is happy.. So that made me happier..

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