chapter 31- My Sexy Cowboy -smut

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**This chapter includes a little smut

Zayn's POV

Liam and I went to the mansion and the other gang was relaxed. We were talking and then Harry started to shout "Guns Guns!!" , and then without understanding what was happening I saw him covering Niall, then they both fell down..

I sent some members of the mob after the shooters then I pulled Niall inside the mansion. I was like a ghost. I lost control. I heard noises from everywhere like they were coming far away.. like a bomb just exploded next to me.. Niall had blood on his face, I was panicked but then I understood that he just hit his head to the wall or something that wasn't a gun shot. There was also a little more blood on his shirt but those were mostly belong to Harry.. When I was sure that Niall was ok, I left him to Paul, I went out to find Liam.. But he was nowhere to found.. F.CK!! Where were you Liammmm???!!!


I looked around frantically but I couldn't see Liam. Then I noticed Harry wasn't around either.. He got shot. He should be next to Niall. Where the was he? I kept searching especially both of them and looking for the damn cops. Yeah I was sure that they were cops. One of them was the murderer of Niall's dad.. I hate myself right now.. How could I let that happen.. TWICE.. He was about to kill Niall second time now.. If Harry didn't jump in front of Niall and pushed him. Niall would be dead by now..

I ran to the side which dirty cop went away, then I saw Liam limping towards me. "I shot the older one from his arm or something. I couldn't catch them though. I'm sorry.." Liam said and collapse. Sorry? I sit on my knees and pulled him to myself. "You don't have anything to be sorry about. I am sorry for not being able to protect you and Niall and the others.. I am really sorry. I should be more careful. I will take care of you, ok? Don't worry.You will be ok Liam. I promise" I said to him. I started to carry him as bridal style to inside the mansion.

Then I heard some more gun shots. I looked at Liam. I was in a dilemma. I wanted to check what was going on but I wanted to make sure that Liam was fine as well. I should keep walking and leave Liam inside the mansion, but I was curious as hell.

Liam noticed that "Just leave me here to that chair and go! I will be fine." he said. "U sure?" I said. "Yeah I have a gun too. I can protect myself. I will be here when u came back. Hurry! and Go already!" he said.

I left Liam and ran to that way. I found Harry and Luke lying on the ground. They both got shot from their arms. I looked at the wall, there were lots of gun shot marks on the wall. That was just not nice.

Both Harry and Luke were nice shooters, they couldn't just missed that much. They should have shoot the person. But there wasn't anyone around so the person got away? How? Why? I knew that prick was a cop !!!!

The anger was boiling inside me. Before I knew.. I started yelling to Harry.. He was the reason that Niall was almost killed and Liam got shot.. Agghhhh he was a treat to all of us!!..

Harry's POV

I came back from the shopping centre with the two old cooks. They were still discussing about something. I saw Zayn waiting for us. We chatted a little. He smiled, I smiled back and when I turned my left I saw Niall. He was looking from me to Zayn, Zayn to me.

I said goodbye to Zayn and went to his side. I told him what we did etc. He looked so pissed. "You are so tensed. Why is that?" I said. "What were u talking with Zayn?" he said. "Nothing. He asked how was it? Was there a problem? Why? Are u jealous?" I said with a giggle.

"No." He said with a pout. I leaned to his ear "Good. Because I am all yours babe" I said and kissed him. He kissed me back with a little smile then I took his hand and dragged him with me to our room. "What are u doing Harry?" he whined on the stairs. He probably had to check things. But I didn't care.. I didn't say anything to him either, then he said "Harrrryyyyy?" again with a whine. I turned to him and "What do you think?" I said with a smirk. "Ohhh" Niall said with a smirk and ran a few steps..

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now