chapter 25- Ice-skating Rink

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Niall's POV

Christmas was coming. So there were lightings, christmas trees, santa and reindeer statues all around. It was perfect time to go out and hang out..

I like Christmas times a lot.. I consider me and my gang members as a big family. So I wanna celebrate my Christmas with them. But I also wanna do something with just Harry as well.. just the two of us..alone..

So yesterday, I wanted Harry to take us to wherever he wants and he took us to an amusement park. That was so nice, I had lots of fun. He was so damn happy. I didn't see him smiling that widely or laughing ever.. I wanna see him like that more.. He was so cute..

We went to stock-car racing, then roller-coster, he hold my hand and hold me so tightly that was so nice, I could get on that roller-coster many more times.. Then we ate hot-dog and got candy-floss. I learned that he loves those a lot.. Our tongues were all blue after eating that.

I did a little shooting and got the biggest teddy bear to my man.. I was proud of my self, then the guy wanna challenge me, 'if you can shoot 3 more or not..' he said. I didn't even listen the rest, I just shoot 3 more, got a small toy as well. Harry was smiling so widely. He jumped on me with joy. "You did it, You did it!" he said so happily and kissed me. Then we walked a little and he said "Thank you babe. You don't have to do that" and kissed my cheek this time. I knew I don't have to but I wanna do that, I wanna make him happy.. like all the time.. "I wanna do" I said, he smiled again.

After we left the amusement park, we were both so hungry and Harry pulled the car in front of a restaurant. We ate something. "Thank you for today, I haven't gone to a date like this for ages.. I have so much fun" Harry said. "Me too. Thank you for taking us to that amusement park. I like that a lot" I said.. Harry's eyes were all cloudy again.. Then he noticed that I noticed that..

"My father used to take me to amusement park when it was Christmas time.. actually.. I wasn't going there since.. you know.. he died. So.. Thank you.." he said. He did what I wanna do.. before me.. I also wanna take him to the place my family took me for Christmas.. It wasn't a casual date, he took me to a place which was so important to him.. God! I love him..

I took his hand in my hands, touched it and then kissed his hand.. "No,Thank you" I said with a small smile..


When I woke up, I found Harry hugging the teddy bear that I win for him. That was so damn cute.. He was sleeping with the teddy bear and the kitty was on the bed as well, probably it felt down. What a cutie? I wanna just cuddle him all day.. 

Today it was my turn though.. I will take Harry to somewhere.. At the morning, we both have things to do, so we left the house early together to do our jobs and decided to meet at home at the evening.

When we meet, "So..Where are we going?" Harry asked, "You will see, get in" I said, I was in driver seat. Harry couldn't get used to it, staring at me like he wanna ask why I was driving.. A car was following us again to keep me safe. Zayn arranged that and sent them. That bugs me but.. it made Zayn happy and relaxed.. so.. I didn't care.. if this will make him feel relaxed then it is fine to me..

"Ok. I was thinking, it is Christmas time. I like it a lot. Why don't we drive and looked around first. Then we can go ice-skating." I said. "Ice-skating?" Harry said with a shocked face.

"Yeah. I wasn't doing it for a while now. Do you want to do that? If you don't want---" I said. "No, no. we can do that. It is just.. I never do that..before" Harry said with a blush. "Oh, it is ok sweetheart. I can show you." I said with a chuckle.

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