chapter 74- Can't kill him!

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Niall's POV

Josh and I started to run towards the room where Harry's voice and Doniya's crying coming from.. I saw that a mexican guy pulled his gun to my Harry.. Harry noticed me immediately. I wanted him to be quiet. The mexican guy didn't notice a thing, kept talking to Harry.

So I tapped the mexican guy's shoulder and punched him in the face, I got rid of his gun and we started to fight. After knocking the guy,  I ran to Harry, Josh ran towards Doniya, he was trying to calm and help her.

There were tears in Harry's eyes and probably in mine as well..We looked at each other till I reached him.. with so much passion..Then we hugged like we didn't see each other for ages.. Like we didn't wanna leave each other ever again.. Like we didn't know what to do without each other and so glad to find one another safe and sound.. I didn't wanna let him go..ever.. I liked him being under my arms again..

Then we both pulled our heads a little back to look at each other again and I felt like Harry got intense.. Why was that?

Before I understood what was going on, he flipped us over. He changed our places, so now I was seeing what he saw and understood why he acted like that..

And I didn't like it!! Not a bit! He was doing the same shit again! He was throwing himself in front of me, being a shield for me.. F.CCKKKK!! I told him not to do that ever again.. !!!

Harry looked like he accepted all the consequences, he could even die.. for me? F.ckkkkk!!! I should have been the one protecting HIM!.. 

Then I heard him saying "GUN!!!".. and the guy made a shoot towards us at the exact time..


These things happened like in a second.. not in minutes.. I couldn't even comprehend what was going on when I heard the noise of the gun..

The next thing I knew, Josh threw himself in front of us, in front of Harry.. tried to save us.. Josh and Harry felt to the floor at the exact time.. But I wasn't sure what happened exactly.. Whom was shot? From where? Did Harry or Josh died? Which one being shot?

There were bloods everywhere. I pulled my gun with anger and shot the man between his eyes. I felt coldness in my heart in my body.. I frozed.. I couldn't feel a thing.. I couldn't move a second..

I was so worried, so panicked.. One of the man laying on the floor was the love of my life, the other one was my baby brother.. SHIIITTTTT... 

None of them was moving.. I kept calling their names.. "HARRYY??? JOSHHH?? HARRYY?? JOSSSHHHHH?? SAY SOMETHING DAMMIITTT!!?" I said in panick..

Then I heard Harry's voice, "NOOOOO!!! Joshhh? Are you ok? Why did you do it?? WHY??!!" he said and started to cry..He was trying to hold Josh's body, trying to turn him around but half of his body was kinda under Josh, so he couldn't..

Then, I ran towards them and turned Josh's body, laid his back to the floor to see what exactly happened to him..."JOOOSSHHHHHH! JOSHHH ARE U OK JOSHHH??" I said and he winced in pain.. and with that, I knew that at least he didn't die, I was kinda relieved..

AGHHH Why are they all acting heroic ?! Why??!! Dammiitttt!! Why everybody try to save me all the time?!!! I love them, I didn't want them to be hurt! Was that so hard to understand?!!

I checked his wound. He wasn't shot from his arm or leg.. He was shot from somewhere near his shoulder..

"Yea..hh..I am o..okk.."Josh said and hissed.. I held his hand and started to brush his hair from his forehead, "You..I.. What did I tell-" I said, trying to say what did I tell you?! Why did you do that? Why did u risk your life,huh!!!?..

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