chapter 85-U'll get punished..

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Niall's POV

I woke up with Zayn's growl. "WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM?", "WHAT HAPPENED TO NIALL?" he was saying really loudly.. I didn't even realise that I slept.. When did I sleep? How long had I been sleeping? 

Ohhh.. Shiiittttt.. Harry was waiting for me to get back to the mansion.. I totally forgot that.. And what about Josh and Zayn? Was Josh ok? Apparently, Zayn was ok.. That was nice..

While I was thinking about those, I heard more from Zayn, "If he is fine, why is he here?", "Why is he unconscious?"he was saying.. He thought I was unconscious like him as well.. and finally I couldn't stop but growled back. "I AM FINE, ZAYN.. KEEP CALM." I said. 

I raised my head and looked up to him.. He had a bandage over his head, other than that he seemed just fine.. I sighed with relief..

"Niall, what happened to you?" he said with a worried expression on his face.."I am-" I was saying, but before I could answer his question, someone interrupt my sentence, and said "He gave his blood to me, and fall asleep after that"..

When I turned to my left, I saw Josh smiling to me, "Thanks boss.. That means a lot.. Thank much.." he said, again.. with another smile.. "No problem. Try not to risk your life again.. You all seemed to forget that!!!!" I said..

"You are both so important to me.. U know that, right?" I said, and they both nodded with a blush.. "Yes, boss" ~Josh, "Yes,Niall"~Zayn beamed, they all became kinda shy all of a sudden because of my sentence. They were acted like I complimented them, but I just told the truth. I chuckled to them..

"I am glad you are ok, Niall" Zayn said after a while.. "I am supposed to say that to you.. What were you thinking while crashing to a van with a car, Zayn! For God's sake!! I wanted u to go to safe house, I wanted you to protect yourself, Harry and your sisters but you-" I was saying, getting angry a little again..

"OHH FU.CKKKKK!!!!" Zayn said, his hands were in his hair now, he was pulling his hair desperately..

"WHHHAAATTTT?, WHAT!!!!?" I said.. "My sisters?!!, I left them in a motel next to that bazaar area. They are still there!! They were so scared and I told them that I was gonna come to get them as soon as possible.. SHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT!!!!" Zayn answered..

"Ok.. Ok! Keep calm. We will go and get them. Together!.. Don't worry Zayn.." I said.. "Thanks boss" he said with a sad expression, he seemed so regretful.. about what had happened.. Everything could happen to two girls like Zayn's sisters in that kind of motel..

Maybe..Even the mexicans could have found them before we made the deal and did terrible things to them.. And now there was no Harry, no irish mob to save them.. They were just simply forgotten there.. 

We didn't know what we gonna find when we went to there.. I thought they were in the safe house or something..Aghhh Zaynnn.. AGHH!!!! Why didn't you listen me?!!.. Why I didn't question about the whereabouts of the girls?!! How were they now? Were they ok? I was so worried..

I couldn't let Zayn go that Street all alone, so I decided to go with him.. We should probably take some more men.. We made a deal with Mexicans, but there was always a treat towards us.. I was the leader and he was the right hand of me.. So we  both simply couldn't go anywhere alone..

I was gonna be late, so I called Harry to inform him that I would be late.. but he didn't pick up the phone,  I thought Harry was in the shower or something.. so I called Paul.. I thought I could leave a message to Paul and he could give my massage to Harry... and I could ask him to send some of our trustworthy men to the Bazaar Street.. to help us..

But when Paul answered the phone, he had a panick voice tone.. He said that he didn't get any news from ANY of us, so he panicked.. He was waiting a call from me or Zayn or anyone.. WHATT?!!

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now