Chapter 113-Recordings

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Ashton's POV

Yesterday I had too much police work. I was busy all day long..
There was a 3 year-old girl Kate was kidnapped because his father Keith was in drug business and he wanted to get out. But once you get in, you can't leave that world so easily, if you weren't the head of the job or something.

And at this case,his ex-boss had kidnapped the man's daughter and threatened the guy. Keith wasn't going to come to police but his wife Sarah acted without his knowledge, so we got the case. I was at their house, in front of my laptop- tracking devices with my headphones whole day.. 

His boss wasn't someone not important.. not a small drug dealer i mean, it was famous Drug-Queen, Griselda Blanco. That woman was a cold blood killer, she was responsible from 100-200 death, including a 2year-old kid once. She was in top 10 of Wanted List kinda thing of FBI, CIA, etc. So this was serious.. She was searched everywhere but couldn't found. 

I mean she was a big fish, thats why everybody got alarmed. We were running from one place to another. My aim was to save the little girl, but can't sat that it was everybody's agenda. People focused on to catching Drug-Queen more than saving the girl. So I had to work double for the little girl..

I got exhausted till the end of the day. It was too late, it became midnight. But it was all worth it, Thank God we found the little girl, safe and sound.. However, in the process, some policemen and the father-Keith got shot by one of Griselda woman's men. We lost him.. He died.. 

And again, we had no evidence-alive witness against that evil cold blooded drug-queen..or any trace to her. We found some codes in his phone though. Maybe I could crack those.. But thank God, not that moment. Chief wanted me to take a look at them first thing tomorrow.    

So when he let me go, I came to my house. There wasn't any job at the station that I had to do, chief wanted me to give my report tomorrow. My eyes were closing, I couldn't make them stay open..

I thought about Harry, questioned myself about if I should go to the station and check Brad's 2nd phone talks, but I didn't see him talking from it again.. So I decided to check it first thing in the morning. Louis probably checked it already anyway..

Yeahh Go sleep Ash.. Probably it didn't even take a full minute , and I was asleep..

About that Brad's 2nd phone
The thing is Louis came over to me the other day. He told me that he saw Brad talking with a different phone a few days ago. We thought he had just one phone, that phone registered to him and I can have an access to it, because we had the number and it was the phone that police station gave to him. 

But Louis caught him talking with this another phone. He added the fact that Brad started to act like anxious-worried-angry all the time. We both thought that clearly there is something going on. We should find out whatever it was. So I decided to hack his phone, but this phone had some protection. So that night we talked about what to do, and decided to place a bug device into his phone, to the battery part. 

Our plan was simple. One of us was going to stall Brad, the other one was going to place the bug. And noone talks to me even at normal circumstances, so it was obvious that I can't do the stalling. Louis was a talkative guy, so he agreed to do that. And I would do the placing bug thing. 

We noticed Brad was keeping his 2nd phone in his drawer while he was in office, in police station. He took it while he was leaving the building. He was always at the office anyway. 

So, we decided to do this:
I would make up an excuse and go to Brad's room.
Louis would show up, came to that floor and started to yell his name, create a scene, while I was talking to Brad.
Then Brad would go out to see what the hell was going on at outside.
That would give me some time alone in his room, I would search the phone. Place the bug.
Louis would stall him while I was doing those.
When I was done, I would leave Brad's office with saying "I left you note about my report, if you still have questions, you know where to find me" and left the floor.
After that, Louis would also let it go. leave that place.

After placing the bug, we could listen Brad and the people he talked with. I made a system so all his talkings will be recorded with date and time. I showed the system to Louis, we placed it to the corner in my lab, noone was visiting me anyway. Safest place in whole world. 

In a few days, we keep checking it. We found out the people he was talking to, it was Rick. But we didn't understood what were they doing or planning. "Did you find it?-No" , "What happened?-Nothing yet", "You have to find it, SOON!!!- Ok!!" .These were the dialogues we heard. and we didn't get a thing from those. We just understood that they were searching a material. That was it..

So.. Today. I decided to go to work early. I wanted to have enough time to check if there was any conversation made or not. I didn't feel comfortable.. I feel like something bad would happen to Harry and it would be all my fault. Because I fall asleep.. NO..

As soon as I arrived to the police station, I went to my lab. I checked our corner. I started to listen. At first there was nothing as usual. and I made fun of myself. "U idiot! Harry will get hurt Harry will get hurt. haha. You made panick over NOTHING.. No conversations in here!". 

Then I started to make some coffee to myself and I heard them...... 

Brad: "What happened? You found it?"
Rick: "NOO. Brad, I searched the whole study room, it wasn't in there. Maybe it isn't at the mansion anymore"
Brad: "Rick,Rick,Rick.. We don't do our jobs with 'maybe's, brother. It is in the mansion, you just couldn't find it.But policemen who are our friends can find it with a warn. So.. Shut up." 
-a little silence ,a car door opening closing voices-
Rick: "Ok.Ok. What now?"
Brad: "Now, my friend, now we have just 1 day left to the search. On Monday, If Police search Niall's mansion, they will learn all our dirty bags. And you know what that means?! We could find ourselves in jail, Rick! And I don't know you, but I won't get in there! Jails are evil places, esp. if you are a cop.. it is worse than hell's itself, believe me.."

Dirty bags? Oh my God, They are dirty cops, and there is some evidence at Niall's mansion about it.. They were after it.. They keep saying "Did you find IT?".. Now I got it, shitttttt!!!! 

Rick: "Yeah, I know. I know!!! So, we should do something tomorrow. But what?"
Brad:  "So. Tomorrow, We are going to kill Niall Horan!" 


Brad: "Because if he is dead, case will get closed. Noone will search his mansion/ and his so-called plans about bombs and bridge anymore. When you think about, they can't find it any way, we made up that lie to get that Harry boy into the mansion.hahaha" 


I want to kill these two.. like a lot!!. UGGHHHH!!!!

Rick: "What about Harry? He loves Niall. If he understands, he won't let the case closed. we can't do the killin-"
Brad: "We will kill him,too. We can say he got in the way kinda thing.Noone cares him anyway"
"You are in this with me,Rick. Aren't you? We are killing Niall Horan and Harry Styles tomorrow. Ok?!"
Rick: "Ok"..


I just wanted to get out and drive to that damn mansion as soon as possible but there could be more information about Harry and Niall. So I kept listening.. Then I found some..

Rick called Brad, gave him an adress and time. I noted those. He told Brad that there would be a drug buying-selling meeting there. this morning. and he said Niall would be there. So they could shot Niall there. Then Brad asked if Rick still his mob phone-Harry's number. and said these..

Brad: "Harry is grounded, he isn't getting out of the mansion, did you forget? If he won't come out of the mansion tomorrow, how we will shoot him, dumbass?!!! Call him, say him that you couldn't find bombing-bridge plans, and that Niall hired American-Italian mob members to do the bombing thing, and they all are gonna meet, tomorrow morning, to handle details. And say this we need him there, too"

I was counting on his being grounded, but Harry would find a way to go there now, after this talk.. F.CKKK!!!

I took all these records into a recording device, and jumped into my car, drove to Louis. A surprised Louis opened the door in his pyjamas, with a cup of tea in his hand. 


An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now