Chapter 125- Old Times

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Ugh, guys I'm so sorry about not writing for a loonngg time.. I just couldn't.. I want to see this book as 'completed' at least.. I have so many stories to continue. 

** I have so many ideas for new books - could be with JB, Shawn Mendez, Ed Sheeran, or one of TeenWolf couples (Jetham-jackson&Ethan, Thiam-Theo&Liam). but.. Like I said, no time even to continue these current ones.. ughhh.. whatever.

*** So...... as soon as I turned back to my hometown- meaning now- I started to write this chapter. When I finished writing this chapter, I won't publish it though, till I finished the story. or at least till I wrote 3-4 chapters.Not want you to wait for it again.. Therefore, I will publish this chapter and the next ones in a row, at the same day.. Not sure how many chapters it will be.. :)) 

**** This chapter became 2 long chapter long. OoOoppsss xx  

***** I read the last 20 chapters to remember all details, this was so weird to read my own story after a looong time. :) Maybe u should check last chapter at least because I am not gonna do at previous chapters these these and these happened thing. lol. Love ya <3 Enjoy. xx

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Zayn's POV

In these 2-3 days, I handed Bobby's agendas to Harry. And I helped Glenn to catch that assholes Brad and Rick with some of mob members.. I barely stopped myself , almost killing them in front of all those other cops. That Louis guy stopped me,ughh.. So now, there was nothing to do.

I was going hospital- Shamrock- hospital-Shamrock-hospital-Shamrock everyday, that's it..
And... Still.. there wasn't  any good news from Niall.. 

So.. There was a chaos situation in our mob. Everybody was in some kind of panick. 

Questions are flying in the air ;
Did you hear what happened to boss?
Where is the boss? Where is Mr.Horan?
Did he get arrested?
Did he die?
What will happen to us now?
What should we do?............. etc. 

They became like chickens with their head off. They all had no clue what to do, where to go. They were just walking around, talking talking talking with no sense.
and They were doing this everywhere.. at clinic, at their cars, at van, at mansion, at our pubs .. literally e v e r y w h e r e .. For's sake!..

It got so irritating after one point. They looked so vulnerable, so sad, so devastated.. They had to be seen tough from outside, not weak and worried like that.. I even saw most of them crying.. like babies for Niall.. This wasn't good, they will show that we were very easy target to all enemies out there..

Therefore,I arranged a meeting, I am at the mansion, doing nothing, just waiting for our men to show up.  

Old times.. came to my mind.. 

It was like a really really bad dejavu.. I had seen this before.. When Bobby Horan got really sick, everybody panicked like this.. We were all kinda waiting bad news about him anytime. We were all guessing that he was gonna die and we all had same questions in our minds.

Who will be our leader when he was gone? 
Who will take care of us?
What are we going to do?

We were all in panick mode. Niall Horan didn't want to get in this business, be in his father's job and went to collage. Too far away from these dirty stuff. He was just an ordinary student with a guitar glued to his hands, not guns.
So he knew so little thing about our business till he came back to home.
When Bobby's illness got worse, Paul decided to let Niall know about it. And Niall came in a really short time. We weren't expecting him to show up that quick. 

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now