Chapter 111- I AM IN PAIN!

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This chapter became a little longer than normal ones. Sorry but not sorry ;) xx

Harry's POV

I left the mansion like half an hour ago.. It was harder than 1st time I did it.. Not because I had hard time about security- that was easy. It was harder, because when I got back to this mansion, Niall was so angry, he even burned my clothes to prevent my leaving.. He made so many emotional speeches to me..

All of those were including "If you go again, you can't come back here.. to the mob" kinda sentences.. So.. I mean.. I was warned.. I may not be allowed to even see Niall again, after today..

And those rings.. the dream I was having.. about being Niall happily ever after.. That was also made the situation harder to me.. more than ever.. 

Yesterday, after Niall slept, I started to think all memories we had together.. I wanted to remember all good things, not bad memories.. But..

His being got shot at pool meeting, our talking when I was kidnapped, my being shot there-Niall's keep calling my name.. These kinda things came to my mind.. We had been through a lot.. and.. I thought..Our end shouldn't be like this..

Being with Niall, made me think of.. how much I loveee being a normal man who has a stable-normal life, actually..
I like waking up and seeing his smiling face every single day, spending whole day with him -or at least hearing his voice in daytime, I like his blue eyes which were looking deep inside me, I like being in the same bed same room with him every night..Starting a day and ending the day with him was perfect.. and damn.. I don't care his being leader of a mob.. I didn't want these to end.. I just love him.. I love the arms which were holding me so tight right now..

If I turned back to my job, I would be in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan or somewhere like that, in a week or something.. I didn't want that life anymore.. I served to my country enough I think.. I deserve to be happy, too..

I wanna be a loving husband to Niall, maybe have some kids, a house with garden, a puppy. Ughh.. Nice dream,Harry.. Nice dreamm.. Ok, maybe not all of these things could happen, but 1st one was enough to me.. 

Ok..Ok.. Calmed down,Harry.. First thing was first.. First I had to leave this mansion, like I did before. So.. I didn't change my clothes because I didn't have an old one.. But I left my watch, necklace, phone to 'the cupboard', I opened the cupboard widely,so they would notice my absence right away, and then I left.. 

I left, yeah, but didn't know where to go, I didn't want to be at bust. I felt awful, I was thinking how Niall would react, not American-Italian mafia's being caught or any other thing.. I wanted to see a friend, talk with someone who could understand me.. I was kinda depressed, so I decided to go to Louis's house.

I made a plan, after talking with Louis, I will go to the station, handle my cop-stuff things. In meanwhile, American-Italians would be arrested. Niall's bombing-bridge plan would fail. Then a few days later, when Niall calm down, if I got my courage.. umm.. not if.. I should say 'when'.. When I got my courage, I would go back to the mansion, told Niall my reasons.. I would try to make him forgive me and.. ughhh... too long term plans..

Focus on to current moment, Harry, damn it! Target : Louis's house. Ok. Go Harry Gooo!.. 
I drove so fast, arrived to Lou's house. I left the mansion like at 5am, it was still dark. Now it was almost 6am. Probably Niall just woke up and noticed that I was gone.. I wonder how he was.. His meeting was at 8am. Ughh.. I didn't know what would I do in this 2 hours.. Waiting was killing me..

I knocked Louis's door, almost gonna break it.. Ellie opened the door, she was so shocked to see me.. "HARRY? What you doing here?! Did Louis reached you? Where is he? Is he ok?" she said.. Whaaatt?? "Wh..whaaatt.. you mean? He didn't. Why was he-" I was saying in panick. 

An irish mob leader and A cop [Narry] (boyxboy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora